Similar Childhoods

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The next day, Temari was preparing to visit Shikamaru's house, since they were going to do what was pending the day before. She was ready to head until her brother stopped her

"Where are you going to go out today?"He asked lying on the sofa with his hands behind his head as a pillow while he looked at the clock that was hanging on a wall in the living room"It is 9:30 am " Temari turned around to look him straight in the eye

"Well, I was about to go to Shikamaru's house"

"And that for what? If yesterday you were together all day, why today too?"

"Because yesterday we had an unfinished business, so he invited me to his house today to complete it"kankuro opened his eyes wide

"Don't tell me you going to ...?"

"Kankuro, don't be a pervert! Obviously it has nothing to do with it! We're just going to play video games for a bit! "Kankuro  sighed in relief

"But sure, what's a good idea to go there at this time? The most likely thing is that that lazy guy hasn't gotten out of bed yet"

"Well it could be. Besides, I haven't had breakfast"They heard footsteps coming from the stairs, they both turned to look and there was their younger brother; coming down with a sleepy face

"Good morning"Said Gaara with a yawn

"Good morning little brother, do you want to have breakfast? "Asked temari with a motherly voice

"Yes please"

"Me too, I'm hungry," Kankuro said excitedly. Temari smiled

"Well, I already prepared your favorite for you. Pancakes with butter and scrambled eggs"

"Yes!" The two brothers yelled at the same time. They ran into the dining room and sat down quickly to wait for their breakfasts, like two young children about to receive a prize. A few minutes later, Temari arrived in the dining room with three plates in his hands and put them on the table. Then, she sat down to have breakfast with her brothers, like the family they were.

"Ready, time to eat -said kankuro rubbing his hands and feeling the delicious aroma of the pancakes

"Good morning guys"Kakashi looked with an awake face

"Good morning Kakashi-sensei"replied temari

" would you like to have a coffee to get rid of that tired face?"

"Yes, thank you my little flower"

"Thank goodness I prepared a little. I'll be right back" She got up from the chair and went to the kitchen. She took a cup and poured the coffee. She returned to the dining room where her brothers were still enjoying their food and her sensei was waiting for her to enjoy his coffee and get out of sleep.

"Look at Kakashi-sensei. Here is your coffee, freshly made by the way"She extended the cup"Well? Does it taste good? " She asked as she sat back in the chair

"Delicious little flower. You have always had an excellent talent for cooking"

"Thank you" Temari said with a smile. She turned to see the clock on the wall and practically jumped up from her chair. It was 10:30 am

"What's wrong? "Asked Gaara looking at her strangely

"I have to go ... Kankuro, could you wash the dishes for me?"

"Sure, count on me." He winked. The blonde went to the door and out of the house

"What did I miss? "Asked the redhead without understanding absolutely anything about the situation

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