Nickla returns.

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Nickel: Everyone, Remember my old girlfriend?

I'm Dumb and I don't know Loyalty: Wasn't her name Nickla? I think I remember her name.

Nickel: Yes and I'm adding her back!

Nickla Has been added to BEEP

Nickla: Nickel! I miss- Is that leafy? YOU CHEATING LITTLE BITCH.

Woody: Misses, This is no place to swear.

                     And you deserve to... go to hell...

Balloony is Online

Balloony: WHY DO I HEAR SO MUCH SCREAMING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!?...   Oh just scrolled and...

David: Bn h r.

Balloony: I know david... It's hard to type... but I get your message

Nickel : Let's just get done with this...

Nickla Has been banned from BEEP.

Roboty: That's it? Wow 

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