Beethoven's Fez

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3rd POV:

As the Time War raged on and Arcadia fell, The Doctor, no, The Warrior left a message for the Daleks and did what the Doctor does best. He stole a powerful piece of technology and ran.

The Warrior parked his Tardis in the expanse of the desert and walked for miles. Eventually he came upon an old barn, where he tried to start up this, Galaxy Eater.

Amser POV:

Suddenly finding myself sitting on solid ground, I look around and try to make sense of my blurred surroundings and focus my eyes from the disorienting swirls of the vortex. As I blink I manage to make out a man standing by a light source, presumably a door, and a woman sitting on something behind him. Then my hearing returns.

" It's nothing." the woman tells him, her voice sounding familiar. As the man turns to her suddenly, she continues. " It's just a wolf."

That was enough to focus my vision, not that I believe it.

" Don't sit on that!" The man who could only be the War Doctor, tells the woman.

" Why not?" The Moment questions.

" Because it's not a chair, it's the most dangerous weapon in the universe." He retorts gruffly.

The Warrior, as I'll now call him, moves to hurry her out of the barn and lock the door before turning back to the device only to find the woman back where she had previously been.

" Why can't it be both?" The Moment asks sitting straighter as the Warrior approaches. " Why did you park so far away? Didn't you want her to see it?"

" Want who to see?" He asks back.

" The Tardis." I answer, revealing my presence on the other side of the barn.

"You walked for miles and miles and miles." The Moment continues as she stands and walks towards me.

" I was thinking." The Warrior defends himself.

" I heard you." She tells him, turning abruptly.

" You heard me?"

" No more. " The Moment mimics with a deeper voice. Repeating herself with a little dance. " No more. No more. No more. No more."

" Stop it." The Warrior commands her.

" No more." She says one last time looking directly at him.

" That's enough." I tell her, seeing that the man has had enough.

"Who are you? The both of you?" The Warrior asks before the clockwork gears within the box makes a sound. "It's activating. Get out of here." He orders slightly pushing The Moment out of the way to get to the box, not seeing her eyes glow as it burns him. "Ow."

" What's wrong?" The Moment and I ask together as if we don't know.

" The interface is hot." He tells us.

" Well I do my best." The Moment tells him, having jumped up to sit on another box.

" Penny in the air." I say winking at the Moment.

" There's a power source inside." The Warrior tries to explain while examining the device, before turning to look at the two of us.

" Penny drops."

" You're the interface?" He asks incredulously.

" She is." I tell him, nodding towards the Moment.

A Glitch in the Moment  (Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now