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- At evening

They were back at Miyagi. After long trip back and forth between Miyagi and Tokyo by shinkansen, they started to feel exhausted. They almost reached home, but Daichi had this weird feeling. He didn't want to be separated from Suga. He wanted to be with him longer eventhough they had been together all day long. He just wanted to stay by his side and see his smile. When they almost reached the intersection near Suga's house, Daichi broke the silence.

"Hey, Suga. Can we meet tomorrow?" he asked nervously.

Suga raised his eyebrow. "Sure. What time?"

"4 PM?"

"Okay," Suga smiled sweetly. This made Daichi's heart went crazy. But then he realized.

Why did I invite him? What are we going to do? What am I going to say? Am I gonna confess?

So many things ran on his mind, he didn't realize he made scary face while thinking.

"Uh. Daichi, are you okay? I just saw a demon for a few seconds there," Suga snapped him back to reality.


"Nevermind," Suga chuckled. "I think both of us are tired. Let's just go home and rest for tonight. See you tomorrow at 4," Suga waved.

"Okay. Then I'll be going this way," Daichi waved back at him. He turned around and left. He looked up at the night sky and thought to himself.

I will confess to Suga tomorrow. It's now or never. Even if I get rejected, it's better than never tell him how I really feel.

With that, Daichi decided he will confess his love for Suga and started walking toward his house.

- Next day, in Daichi's room

"What should I wear," he looked through his wardrobe and searched for the best outfit. He laid out some of them on his bed.

"A sweater will be too hot in this season. A t-shirt with jacket will be too much. A shirt? Nope". He kept searched until he decided a long sleeved black t-shirt with jean will be the best option.

He quickly changed into the outfit he chose earlier and made sure he looked okay. He looked at the time and it was already 3.30 PM. He decided to came before appointed time so he wouldn't be late.

"Ittekimasu," he said to no one in particular since his parents are out of town.

Daichi walked down the street until he reached intersection near Suga's house. He leaned on the wall and stared at the clear blue sky.

I must confess to him today. He clenched his fist and made up his mind while waiting for Suga.

- At the same time, in Suga's room

Suga took out all his best outfits from his wardrobe and laid them down on the bed. He studied them one by one carefully.

"Nope. Nope. Not this one. Definitely not this," he said while throwing a flannel shirt, black t-shirt, white shirt and yellow sweater. He sighed desperately. "Ugh. What should I wear? This isn't a date, is it? Why do I become more conscious of him lately. Even picking outfit is more like preparing myself for a date," he muttered to himself.

Finally his eyes landed on a short sleeved navy blue t-shirt and black skinny jean.

"I think casual clothes will be safe". He picked the t-shirt and jean and put them on. He was satisfied with his look. "Okay. It looks good. Oh crap!". He glances at the clock and realize it's almost 4 PM. Suga picked his phone and wallet then dashed toward the door.

"Ittekimasu!" he shouted to her mom.

"Itterashai! Don't come home too late," she answered from upstair.

"I won't".

Suga rushed toward the intersection where he and Daichi usually met. Daichi leaned on the wall when Suga reached there.

"Whoa. Why are you panting?" Daichi questioned him.

Suga tried to catch his breath before answered. "I didn't look at the time. Have you been waiting long?"

"No. I arrived not too long ago. Come on. Let's go to the new cafe near our school. Girls in my class said the cakes are good," Daichi started walking. Suga followed beside him. "Sure!"

They walked side by side in comfortable silence until they reached their destination. Once they entered the cafe, they sat at a table with sofa. Soon the waiter came up to them and took their orders. The waiter stole a glance of Suga and it irritated Daichi. He knew really well that Suga is beautiful, especially today. But he hated it when others think the same as him. The waiter left with their orders.

"Can't believe we hang out two days in a row," Suga started the conversation after the waiter left them alone.

Daichi chuckled. "Do you not like it?"

"That's not what I meant," Suga pouted. Daichi found it really cute. "I know," he smiled warmly toward Suga.

After a while, the waiter came up with their orders. Once again, he stole a glance at Suga before he left. But this time, Daichi didn't notice.

Suga looked at their cakes with gleamed eyes. He took first bite of his strawberry cheesecake and his eyes lighted up. "This is really good! You should try it, Daichi-san".

Daichi looked up after he took bite of his oreo brownie. "This brownie is also really good. Let me try yours," he took Suga's hand and ate the cake from his fork. "You're right. It's really good!"

Suga blushed hard. Daichi soon realized what he just did. "Ugh. S- s- sorry. I unconsciously took a bite from your fork," he said apologetically.

"I- it's fine! Don't mind it," Suga shook his head vigorously, his cheeks are as red as tomato.

"Then, eat this to make us even," Daichi held up his fork toward Suga, his hand shook a little. Suga looked up and blushed more. "I- if you don't mind. Then I'll try it," he took a bite and chewed it slowly. "It is really good".

They continued eating in awkward silence until Suga broke it. "U- uh. I'll go to the washroom". He stood up and turned his heels, didn't wait for Daichi's answer. Daichi hung his head in desperation. He blamed himself for being careless.

What the hell did I do? Taking a bite from his fork is like an indirect kiss! I'm sure he hates me now.

Daichi kept looking down, hands covered his handsome face. Until a girl's voice called up to him.


- to be continued

Forever with You ( DaiSuga Daichi x Sugawara)Where stories live. Discover now