Chapter 1: Intro

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When did I meet Bakugou Katsuki for the first time?

We must've been 8 years old, it wasn't every day that someone like me switched schools. When I did arrive at my new school, I met him.

He hated my guts, and I hated his. In a weird way though, we knew to stay clear of each other.

Fate however wished differently, as our teacher always put us in group projects...., or sat me next to him. Maybe she knew we didn't get along, maybe she wanted us, kids, to talk it out.

In the end... boy, did we talk it out...

One day he came up to me on the playground, told me to meet up with him after school. 'Weird,' I thought to myself, he's never done that before. I wasn't a coward though, I figured I'll go to see what he wants. So I went to the said location, it was some back alley near the school.

I arrived and he stood there quietly, alone, just looking at me with his piercing red eyes. I felt his hatred for me in his gaze. It was hard to ignore.

"So what am I doing here? Why did you want to meet up?" I asked, trying to break the tension in the air. I hated him, but I hated the silence more.

He grinned at me. Boy, did he know how to intimidate someone, cause he sure did intimidate me at that moment.

So here we were, standing alone in some alleyway. Suddenly, he broke the silence,

"Didn't think you'd actually show up, figured you were a coward!"

"You don't scare me, Bakugou. Why should I run from some spoiled little kid, huh."

He did scare me though, his quirk was much more powerful than mine. He could've easily sent me to a hospital if he wanted to and I knew that. However it was too late to even think about running, my mom didn't exactly raise a coward.

His grin disappeared and a chill went down my spine. He tsked. Then he said,

"Then how about we settle this once and for all, huh?" He slowly started closing the distance between us.

'Do I stand a chance against him in a fight? I've never fought someone before. But I guess there is a first for everything.' I thought to myself at that moment.

"UHm, well- bring it on! No quirks though, since I don't want trouble with the feds if someone sees us!" I lied.

"Fine! I can easily beat you without having to use my quirk-" He declared at me with full confidence.

Why did I hate Katsuki?

Well, simply put, he was everything i wanted to be: Strong, smart, confident...or just to have a powerful quirk.

People might call me crazy for saying that. However if you put aside his...uhm temper, Katsuki is something else.

I wasn't strong, or smart, or special in any kind of way. My quirk was alright, but then again nothing special. My confidence? Faked.

Fake it till ya make it, they say.

Why did he hate me?

No clue. Maybe he knew in some sense what I truly was and what I truly thought of him, or maybe I just rubbed him the wrong way. Katsuki didn't need a good reason to hate someone. He just did.

He spared no second to come at me. He was running towards me with some sort of passion, but not a good kind of passion. I somewhat started running up to him too. I copied him. I didn't know what else I could do.

He went in for a punch, his famous right hook. I dodged it somehow. He was fast, but I've seen him fight before. I knew some of his moves.

Then he went in for a kick, I couldn't dodge that. So he kicked my leg, making me drop to the ground. I yelped out in pain, but quickly stood up. I couldn't show weakness, not in front of him at least. My legs trembled a bit, however I tried to punch him anyways. He dodged that and so he dodged my second attempted punch, and my third, and my fourth. I just couldn't touch him.

But then I tried to go for a kick, but he just simply grabbed my foot and spun me around a bit. He did that till I fell, hitting the ground hard.

"All bark, no bite, huh?" He laughed.

I felt my insecurities get to me, all of them. I thought about how weak and useless I was. Yet I wasn't the type to cry in front of people and I still ain't.

I stood up.

"Ha, I was going easy on you," I smirked, dusting off my knees.

He smiled at my comment and screeched, "Die!" as he went in for a punch again. I somehow dodged it but... I was still scared that he would land a strong hit and send me to tears.

How weak I was back then.

After a few successful dodges I managed to land a hit on his stomach. That didn't stop him from trying to punch me again though, but suddenly his fist stopped mid-air.



"Stop it, Kacchan! Cut it out!"

...A certain green haired boy...

"Stay out of this, Deku!!"

...tried to save me.

Author's Note: Sup fellow Bakugou simps, hope you're having a nice day.

My best friend dislikes Bakugou. Whenever she can, she calls him Bakuhoe or Bakubitch. As revenge I made her pre-read this story for me when I completed it.

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