Chapter 5 : Familiar

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He ordered me to go to Katsuki. He's grown way taller than the last time I've seen him. His muscles became more refined, yet he seemed skinny like the other kids here. His hair has gotten longer, which was an unusual look for him.

He was a sight to behold. The closer I got, the more I recognized him. It's been 4 years since he's gone missing. 4 years.

Instantaneously the hatred that I had towards him was gone, in fact I was happy to see him. He was a familiar face in hell.

I stood behind the tall and well-built figure and asked,


"Yeah?" He turned around without looking at me for too long and snarled,

"Did those bastards send a newbie to me again?" He rolled his eyes in annoyance and sighed.

"Fuck sake, follow me." He cursed.

I stood still in disbelief, 'why didn't he react to seeing me again?' I wondered.

"You don't recognise me?"

He looked back to get a better look, his eyes widened. It was like a scene from a movie.

"Y-y/n...? W-what're you doing here?"

Small tears formed in his eyes, he quickly wiped them away. Seeing a familiar face meant something to him apparently.

"I could ask you the same." I gave him a small smile. His eyes seemed angry all of a sudden, he tsked.

"I guess we're in this together now." I continued, but he didn't answer. He just looked down, avoiding any eye contact.

"Follow me." He said in a monotone voice.

I was shocked at his reaction. His voice sounded so different from the way it was a few seconds ago, however I agreed to follow him.

He proceeded to show me around and even took me down the actual underground of the mines. I stayed quiet however, trying to grasp the situation and the environment.

Next, he took me to a somewhat secluded area.

"There should be a 30 minute break now, so they won't be looking for us for a while." He looked at me with the same piercing eyes as if nothing changed from 6 years ago.

"Did... did you cooperate in the white room?" He asked, his voice was unsteady. This wasn't the old Bakugou I knew. He was... different. His voice would never tremble like that.

"Yeah I did."

He looked away. There was a sudden silence, so I tried to break it.

"How... are you?"

He gave me pissed look,

"How do you think I fucking am?! I've been stuck here for who knows how many years, doing the same fucking thing over and over again." He let out, but I had a feeling he needed to vent. I allowed him to.

"It's been 4 years, Bakugou." My voice was steady, cause for the first time in a while I felt somewhat safe.

"F-four? So I'm what- 14, 15 now?" He despairs. I want to comfort him, hug him or something, but it would be out of place. We've never been friends, we've always been enemies. Though a place like this changes everything...

"I'm so sorry, Bakugou..."

"Sorry doesn't fix shit." He growled. I got a lil hurt by that, yet I knew he was in much more pain back then than I was.

Hold me in your arms (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now