Chapter 3 : Taken

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Years passed, sadly there were only rumours of what happened to Katsuki.

Actually more kids started disappearing throughout the years. One kid each month, they said. I was lucky not to be one of those kids, thanks to my mom, and those cameras.

I entered UA, when I was old enough. I passed the entrance exam somehow. To my surprise, the quirkless Izuku that I knew, passed too! Suddenly he didn't seem so quirkless.

By that point in my life, I almost forgot about Katsuki. Almost.

Entering a new school changed my route.... and that changed my life. I was getting used to my new classmates and the big 'hero course' at UA.

Then I think you could guess what happened to me. I was on my way to school, suddenly I felt myself fade. I looked at my hands and I just didn't see them. My body started disappearing.

After what felt like eternity, I suddenly found myself in a new place. My body faded back to the way it was. I widened my eyes, I was being abducted. A whole new level of anxiety and fear hit me.

This new place was dark, yet big like a warehouse, empty like nothing I've ever seen before. Suddenly a door opened, shining light into this dark place. It was cold, but the open door brought some sort of weird warmth with it.

"Oi, you finally arrived. Took you long enough.... Come here, you've wasted enough of our time." A deep voice demanded.

I had no choice, I had to follow him. I wanted to ask him so many questions but he had this eeriness to him, plus I was pretty scared at that point too. He took me to some sort of room, I didn't see anyone else on our way there. I couldn't make out where exactly I was or what the purpose was of taking me. He made me strip and put on these beige 'new' clothes. At least he had the decency to NOT watch me change.

This made me wonder, 'was this the place where... Bakugou disappeared to?' I held onto this weird hope that I might see a familiar face in this fucked situation.

Then he took me to the white room and asked me questions. It was literally just a white room with an almost blinding light. I later found out its purpose. I'm glad I cooperated that day.

"Name and age?"

"F/n L/n, 15 years old" I answered with a hoarse almost quiet voice. I almost forgot how young I was back then. (Author's Note: F/n = First name, L/n = Last name)

"Your name sounds foreign, where ya from?"

"Dad's American, mom's Japanese."

At this point I started studying his appearance, trying to see if I recognise it. He had black hair and black eyes. He had this unforgettable, cynical gaze. He...enjoyed these questions, he enjoyed the purpose of the white room.

At this point I wanted to cry. His gaze made me so uncomfortable, it was so eerie. A small smile was plackered on his face, almost seemingly to tease his victims. I held my tears in like always. I tried my best to at least.

"Oh that explains it, I bet yo daddy had some interesting roots."


He kept quiet for a while, waiting for me to elaborate. I didn't have guts to say anything else though. So there it was, the silence. A silence that I hated so much.


His questions seemed routine for him, and he was filling these forms in? I think they were forms.


"Explain." He said with his cold monotone voice.

"I- I can create echos or-or sounds with- uhh with different strengths. If I try really hard, I-I can destroy stuff or stun people."

"So if you make an 'echo' powerful enough, it can kill?"

"...I don't know.."

"You said it can destroy."

"I-I uhm only succeeded once at actually... breaking something."

He sighed, almost disappointed.

"You know that won't do, right?"

I just stayed quiet. How was I supposed to answer that? I was just fighting back tears as much as I could. I just wanted to go home.

"So if you can't break stuff, what can these 'sounds' do."

"...n-not much..."

"God, we're gonna have to train you first, huh. What's going with the youth these days. Why can't you guys just have decent fucking quirks for once." He complained, almost angrily. He stood up, as if he's gonna have a fit. I remember my fear taking over in that minute. I was trembling so hard, it was difficult to stay still. Then after a minute, he calmed down, and sat back in his chair.

"Right. Any allergies? Or asthma? Or anything like that?"

"...not that I know of..."

"Perfect. I don't need to know more...."

He looked at me and he noticed my poor trembling self. His smile came back in that moment.

"But you probably have questions, right?" He grinned.

"...w-where am i?"

"Far away from your home, that's for sure. I can't tell ya anything else, sweetie."

" I'm being kidnapped?"

He giggled at my question,

"Haha, yeah. Trust me if you cooperate, you're gonna be fine. But that means meeting our demands..."

I just kept my head down, I couldn't bear to ask any more questions. It was clear to me that I was utterly fucked and I needed to be lucky to survive whatever they throw at me.

He moved me to another room, somewhat bigger than the other one. This time it looked like it had a bed and a toilet. In the middle of it, it had a cardboard box. He shoved me in and closed the door behind me, saying,

"If you can break that box with your echo or quirk or whatever, you'll get food."

Seemed like a simple task. It wasn't tho.

I sat down on the creaky and stained bed, letting everything sink in. I just wanted to rest for a second. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I needed to be calm, panicking doesn't help anyone.

After a few minutes of calming myself down, I was thinking of what I could possibly do to save myself. I decided to do as he asked. I attempted to break that box. 'This is my quirk training huh, would I have done the same right now at UA? Has anyone noticed that I'm gone?

Probably. But I bet the school thinks I'm sick.' I thought as I readied myself to use my quirk.

I sighed in a bit of sadness, this was some sick game and I didn't want to play. I looked at the box and opened my mouth to create a sound. My quirk was very hard to master since I needed to get the perfect frequency and 'loudness' to actually break something. My quirk is basically a more powerful version of singers who can make glass shatter with their voice.

When I activated my quirk, it was at such a frequency and loudness that my ears started to hurt like hell. It physically stunned me. (Authors Note: This is kind of like Jirou's quirk, she can stun people by amplifying the sound of her heartbeat.)

After hours and hours of trying and figuring out different techniques that DIDN'T blow my damn ears out, I managed to do it. I barely did it actually, but it did finally break.

I had a small sense of pride and even a smile on my face, but then I heard his voice again.

"Coonnngratss newbie, you passed your first lesson. I shall have someone bring you a sandwich. Tomorrow however... I will give you your second challenge!"

You know... when you've heard that voice for a while, you start to get used to hating it. Cause I absolutely despise him later on. It didn't take me long to hate his cynical voice. 

Author's Note: I may not understand the physics of glass shattering due to singing. So the quirk explanation could be a bit wrong, but hey I tried..

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