First let's start with a circle.
Next, make a light line straight across his face. It should divide the circle into two equal halves. We'll erase the guideline later.
Now, let's draw his ears. The tops of his ears line up with the bottom, make sure the line is even.
Next, the nose. Charlie Brown nose goes right in the middle of the face. It's a backward C.
Now, the eyes. Charlie Brown's eyes are close to his nose. Make dots for the eyes.
Charlie Brown hair is a sideways, loopy, lazy, number 3. I guess he likes his hair like that.
Charlie Brown is a friendly guy, so let's make him smile.
Charlie Brown has a wide neck, Draw two lines for the neck.
His collar is a wide letter Y. On both ends of the Y is the collar flaps. We can erase the guideline now.
The distance from the top of Charlie Brown head to his chin is the same distance as his chin to this hem of his shorts.
Charlie Brown's shirt is a bulgy triangle. Let's sketch that in now.
The shorts is a short rectangle. Color the shorts in. The coloring does not have to be perfect.
To draw an arm, draw a vertical line. His fingers almost touch the bottom of his shirt.
His other arm is about the same thickness. He has curvy elbows. Let's make him wave. Don't forget the sleeves.
He has short legs, make four lines for them, His legs and skinnier than his neck.
Now we can put on his shoes. They are like flattened ovals.
His socks are simple lines across his legs.
His shoelaces are loopy lines. Lucy doesn't know how he keeps them tied.
One last thing. You can't draw a real Charlie Brown without the zigzag on his shirt.
There, that is how you draw not so wishy-washy Charlie Brown.