Cat Cash

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Lucy is in her psychiatric booth with a piggy bank.

Lucy:  *sigh*

Lucy: It has been too long since I heard that clinking sound of nickels

At that moment Charlie, Linus, and Schroeder all came. Linus looks on top of the booth. Charlie looks below it, and Schroeder is looking in the piggy bank.

Lucy: Linus, what's going on?

Linus: Poor Frieda lost her cat, and we're helping.

Schroeder: She's very upset.

Lucy has an idea She snatches the piggy bank out of Schroeder's hand.

Lucy: If she's so upset, she'll pay money to get him back.

Lucy walks sneakily to Snoopy's doghouse.

Snoopy: Here's the World War I Flying Ace scouring the skies for the elusive Red Baron.

Lucy starts to rise to snatch Snoopy.

Snoopy: Down below I can see the infantrymen huddled in there muddy trenches.

Snoopy: Up above, the skies appear clear.

Lucy snatches Snoopy off his doghouse, and it is not to chase rabbits.

Lucy already tied the dog with his scarf, and is painting the stand.

Lucy: Finding a cat shouldn't be hard, there are always three ways of doing things the easy way, the hard way,....

Lucy finished her bloodhound stand.

Lucy: And my way!

Frieda walks over.

Frieda: Hey Lucy, have you seen my cat, Faron.

Lucy: I haven't. But I bet Snoopy can find him. He's part bloodhound , you know !

Frieda: He doesn't look like a bloodhound to me.

Lucy: You're not looking close enough

Frieda bends closer.

Lucy: Closer

Frieda bend closer.

Lucy: A little closer

Frieda moves closer

Frieda: I See It!

Frieda: Okay, I'll hire him.


Lucy: Oh, nickels, nickels, nickels, that beautiful sound of cold, hard, cash!

Frieda brings Faron's favorite toy.

Frieda: This is Faron's favorite toy.

Snoopy takes off, passed the psychiatric booth.

Lucy: Come on, Snoopy. Use your nose and follow that scent.

Snoopy runs  pass a bush and birds, pass Pigpen, and of course Snoopy coughs, and across a fence.

Frieda: That stupid beagle! I bet he is not even close to Faron.

Snoopy hits against a tree, dropping Faron down and dropping the nickel on a new adventure.

Frieda: Poor, sweet kitty, let's go home.

Lucy looks inside the piggy bank.

Lucy: Oh, no! Where's my nickel! Wait! There's a 5 cent finder's fee as well. Wait!

Linus and Charlie Brown walk over.

Linus: Frieda got her cat back. She told us the news.

Charlie: Poor Snoopy, C'mon home.

Lucy: Why isn't anyone sorry for me?!

Linus: How should I know? Your'e the psychiatrist!

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