Minisode: A Sister and her Snowball

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Lucy is making a snowball. But not an ordinary snowball. A snowball that is the size of a bowling ball.

Linus, Charlie, Schroeder, and Shermy come over.

Schroeder: What a big snowball!

Charlie: You'll never be able to throw it, Lucy.

Shermy: You made it too big!

They walk away

Schroeder: Some girls do stupid things.

Charlie: She makes a snowball so big she can't even throw it.

Shermy just laughs.

Lucy rolls the snowball, like it's a bowling ball and Schroeder, Linus, and Shermy fly into the air. Charlie looks at Lucy and  she makes Charlie fly into the air with them.

Charlie: I never thought she'd pick up the spare.

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