|Sixth Entry| Date: January 22nd, 2015

138 4 5

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while.

I got really sick and had to stay in the hospital. It was really nice of you to keep visiting me. I know you were already there because of your grandfather.

I'm really sorry about him by the way. You were really close with him. I liked the stories you told me of your time with him. He was more of a father for you though, wasn't he?

You don't mention your parents much.

I think you've mentioned your mom a couple of times.


You: What are you doing?
Me: Not hanging out with you
You: Aw, really?
Me: Yeah, I've got a hot date.
You: What?! Who?!
Me: His name is...
You: Harry.
Me: Ew, no. I have a hot date with Netflix ;)
You: Don't scare me like that.
Me: Why were you scared?
You: No reason. Open your door
Me: The front door is unlocked
You: I know, I meant your bedroom door
Me: it's 7am, go to school


I tried talking to you about your grandfather, mom says talking about things helps. But you didn't want to talk.

That's okay though, I understand.

It must be hard losing someone you love.


You remember when we were in the hospital, and you kept asking if I'd tell you what was really wrong with me?

I might tell you tonight, because you spent so much time in the hospital with me.

Even after your grandfather passed away. I wouldn't have been able to stay in there if I were you. So I appreciate it. You must care at least a little but about me. Oh my gosh. I figured you out, you're a romantic aren't you?

I knew it. I don't like romantics. But I'll let it slide.


You: How would you like a Hawaiian themed birthday party?
Me: I'm not having a birthday party, Harry.
You: Well, why not? There's no fun in that.
Me: Yes there is.
You: Okay fine. That means it's just me, you, and your parents for your birthday.
Me: No, just me
You: Alright. I'll hang out with your parents
Me: Well, mom loves you. So, okay.
You: Everyone loves me
Me: Except me
You: You love me more than anyone
Me: Probably
You: So sweet :'-)
Me: guess we should get married
You: guess so


You came back for dinner.

You said mom makes the best homemade meals.

I laughed because we don't make homemade meals, we usually get take out. After dinner we were watching a movie, but I wasn't paying attention at all.

I just kept thinking about how I was going to tell you. I can't just say it. I mean, I could. But, that would be weird.

So I asked you what you thought about kids with cancer. You said they seemed cool and you wished you could do something to help.

You didn't really seem to pay attention at first, I guess you were just caught up in the movie.

As soon as you realized, I felt your body tense up. You didn't say anything for a few minutes. You just held me tighter.

Eventually, you asked what kind I had.

I said brain cancer. I didn't notice you crying until I felt your tears through my shirt. I hate when people cry, I wished you wouldn't have.

I don't blame you though.

I've cried.


You quoted something from tfios, but I just laughed. You said it wrong. Maybe next time, buddy.

You really are a romantic, aren't you, Harry?

I think I like romantics.



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