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CHAPTER 1 : What happened

You may think think that you know everything about naruto but guess again, some things were told wrong like who massacred the uchiha clan, who naruto likes, and MOST of all who hinata liked.

This is how it happened........

It was a foggy morning, a coat of grey clouds hovered konoha. There was no sign of one single person, everyone was indoors. It was oddly quiet, everything stood in place, nothing moved except for the floating clouds moving across the leaf village. It was silent...too silent.

A young girl about 9 years of age, with pearl white eyes was the only person in sight. She was was walking through the barely visible streets.

"Daddy? Daddy? Where are you?" she called out. (yeah she doesn't know how to use her byakugan yet)

She passed a sign that had a red and white fan. But she ignored it not knowing what it meant. Besides she was determined to find her father or at least....someone, she didn't want to be alone.

And suddenly out of nowhere she found somebody and not just one person but dozens.....of people on the ground lifeless. Red blood stood out through the fog, many bodies were killed.

The young girl stumbled backward and onto the ground seeing so many people dead at such a young age surprised her. She was scared, no one was around except for these dead bodies she was scared, horrified, confused, and lost. She shed tears, wimpering and crying. She stood up and and tried shaking a body

" wake up!" she cried

" please, wake up! What happened? Please answer!" she pleaded but nothing

She stopped and again cried tears not knowing what do or what happened overwhelmed the 9 year old's mind.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard another person whimpering. At first she thought it was only an echoe of her own but it wasn't. She stood up and wiped off her tears. Intrigued by the idea of finally meeting another person gave her hope. She started walking towards the whimpering sounds.

The sounds were coming from a wooden house. She went to reach for the doorknob turned it and opened it. The door made eerie squeaking sounds as it was being pushed. She was about to step in but hesitated, who knows what lay beyond the door. It may even be the person who murdered all those people. But she collected all her courage and walked in following the crying voice.

It was dark, the only thing that shown light in the room was the beam of light coming through the window. And that beam of light pointed toward a human being, his face was buried in his knees and his arms clung onto his legs. His hands were blood stained. His back going up and down as he whimpered. She could tell that him and her were about the same height although he was crouched down.

It wasn't just him that was there but in the shadows she saw a tall figure in a black robe with red clouds. She couldn't see most of his face but could see that he was looking down on the boy.

The man in the robe suddenly snapped his head to look catch the girl staring at him and disappeared out of nowhere.

She was suprised by the sudden happening but she ignored it. The girl slowly came closer to the boy. She saw that he was wearing a blue shirt with the same red and white fan she saw before. He had black spiked hair and pale skin.

Relieved about seeing another person ALIVE and curious why this person was crying she ran toward him.

She knelt down and asked "hello? What's wrong? Are you ok?" but like before she didnt get a reply.

She took her hands and again like before shook him and begged as tears rolled down her face "please help me! Please still be alive! Please *sniff* please "

And slowly his head rose revealing his face that shown in the light. His eyes showed as if he didn't hear anything, like the girl wasn't even there.his face showed no emotion. She couldn't tell what he was feeling . His face was blank (no emotion) but was wet with tears.

She turned her head following where the boy was staring. She stumbled backward. Her back to the ground her face showed horror of what she saw.

It was a man and a woman on the floor in a pool of blood. Their eyes were open and blood oozed out of their mouth. How did she not see them there before?

The 9 year old slowly crawled backward, afraid of the boy, thinking he had killed them and...everybody else.

But stopped when the boy finally talked

"he, he, killed them. WHY DID HE KILL THEM?! ITACHI WHY?! WHY MOM AND DAD WHY EVERYBODY ELSE?! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU AHHHH! " he scowled without sanity in his eyes.

Looking to help the boy she stood up and rushed toward him holding him down yelling STOP! STOP!. He was on the edge of going crazy, he wa clawing at his arms and hair.

"STOP IT! YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF BLEEDING LIKE THIS!" she pleaded struggling to keep him from clawing even more.



She her arms fell into a hug that kept his arms from moving. Although the boy tried to struggle out of the girl's clasping hands, she used all the power she had to keep him from moving. She felt the need to help this boy. She felt sympathy towards him because as far as she knew her father was gone and so was everyone else.

What if this has happened to them too. Not only that but she knew what it felt like to be alone and want to leave this world, the feeling of hopelessness. And someone saved her from it once. She wanted to do the same for this boy. She didn't want him to die.

"Please,please, don't do this to yourself, you can do more things in life, other people need you. Don't you have something you want to fulfill?" she calmly said to him.

The boy started to calm down.

" Really? Like what? Tell me! who?"

" The person who did this to them. Don't you want to bring that person to justice? And who needs you? The people of konoha, I can tell by gloves your wearing and the shuriken you are carrying. You are trying to become a ninja"

He stopped clawing at himself and looked in to the girl's pearl white eyes.

They stayed in place like that in silence for a while.

"o-ok" he plainly said.

The girl was just about the get up when the black haired boy released his arms and pulled her into a hug.

"thank you" he said.

This made the girl's heart thump faster. Stunned and unknown of what was happening she sat there.

" you better get out of here before he kills you too". He told her then stared at the 2 dead bodies on the floor.

She followed his stare to the 2 bodies she snapped out of her trance and the 2 of them ran out of the house.

This was hinata's first love..... Sasuke.....or was it?

End of chapter 1

Sorry if it isn't that good or too repetative ^^; its my first fan fic hehe oh and please do comment! :D

Misunderstanding - naruto fanfiction, sasuke, naruto, hinataWhere stories live. Discover now