Thinking/Talking and We end up in undertale...

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I wondered if we forget anything...something is trying to appear in my mind..starts with a g... I know it was important but what is it? Wait! It was Gaster! I thought. We made a gaster to be this sans and papyrus father and like the others, at least as far as we know, they fell into the core and was scattered somewhere but still there.

We weren't too sure about it all since most we learned were from videos on YouTube and we couldn't play the game because we didn't have it yet. I knew we both planned to play when we finally got it but we will never get too...I let out a sigh, I should tell my brother about gaster if he doesn't already know.

We weren't too sure on how to make gaster but how we did it was gaster did fall into the core, but he's always watching us, protecting his kids from any real threat or danger.

He also likes to scare people, he can do many different things but he was always a father first before anything else and so we had him always watching and protecting his kids. I wonder if he's here now? We will have to be a bit more careful since we were talking about us being creators and showing our stats to each other and all that. I walked over to my brother, pulling him closer to me. "Do you remember gaster?" I whispered and I saw him blink in surprise before nodding his head with a serious look in his eyes.

We whispered to each other about gaster and started talking about the StarFell to see if we forgot about anything, I don't think we did forget anything besides gaster, or at least not forget a lot. I'm still wondering what else we made that we had forgotten or don't remember since we ended up in our own story as sans and papyrus himself.

I blinked and saw something out of the corner of my eye sockets. I blinked and turned to look at it, the I blinked again. thing!? I thought as I stared at the black...hole thingy.

I don't know what to call it, just then I felt my feet get lifted a bit higher and I was being pulled into the hole thing. Oh sh** I thought. "Papyrus!" I said panicking.

I felt my brother grab my leg, trying to hold onto me.

That was when he was lifted up to and we both were being pulled in, I also thought I saw a ghostly figure rush towards us and into the black thing as well but when I blinked it was gone so I thought I just imagined it.

But anyway back to when we both got pulled into the black thing, I could still feel my brother as I passed out.

Then I barely woke up, still with my eyes closed, I could hear talking. "Are they ok?" "It looks like his sans was pulled in first and his papyrus grabbed onto him.." "should we wait for them to wake up or wake them up ourselves??" And so on with more talking from some more people or monsters.

I blinked, more awake then a few seconds ago. "Ah your awake!" Someone said and I moved until I was sitting up, I still felt my brothers hand wrapped around my leg, to be honest, that relieved me.

That made me know my brother was still with me. So with more confidence then usually, I blinked, then I looked at who talked and I stared at them with a hint of surprise, it was sans from underswap.

I thought and looked around the room, I noticed more sans and papyrus, some I recognized and some I didn't. What should I do? I thought staring at blue in silence, making some uncomfortable.

I blinked, breaking out of my thoughts, "oh...sorry I got lost in thought. wait where am I? I see too many me look a likes and too many papyrus look a likes." I said without thinking and hid a wince.

Some of them looked amused and others not so much. "Well all of us are papyrus's and sans, just not from the same universe." One of the papyrus said.

Me and my brother become sans and papyrus from our own story!?Where stories live. Discover now