Chapter Nine

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A/N- I love Teen Beach and all but I don't wanna add them anymore sooo enjoy Big Plans by Why Don't We

It definitely wasn't awkward. Chris and I were back to our stupid fights over every little thing.

After we finished getting ready, we realized we had some spare time before the actual wedding ceremony began. Mac gave us each jobs to make sure everything was perfect. Her mistake? Assigning me and this dickhead to the same job.

"Why the hell would she like that song? It's stupid. Play something softer." I instruct the DJ. See, she placed us on music duty. We're supposed to create the playlist for the wedding and Mr. DJ over here, who looks tired of our bickering, is supposed to play each song we choose so we can decide if it's good or not.

"Softer? Yeah, maybe when she's walking down the aisle. Weddings should be fun. We need more upbeat music." Chris argues. I roll my eyes.

"Hardcore rock and Roll is not something Mac would want playing at her wedding!" I exclaim.

"Can you two st-"

"It's fun music! Nothing like that shitty soft and sweet crap. People actually enjoy upbeat music, Annie!" He states, cutting off the DJ for the hundredth time today.

"We can have upbeat fucking music but not this hardcore rock and roll that is torture to people's ears!" I retort.

"Oh my fucking Go-"

"Christopher and Annabelle!" Taylor yells, marching over to us. We freeze and face her. She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.

"I believe Mac put you on music duty, not argue like a married couple duty." She scolds. We share a look. Oops.

"Maybe if Annabelle actually had good taste in mus-"

"I have amazing taste! You're the one who thinks that Rock and Roll is something you play at a wedding when it shouldn't even exist in the first place." I cut him off.

Taylor pulls out a roll of duct tape and covers each of our mouths. I frown and go to pull it off but she grabs my arms and twists them painfully behind my back.

"You two need to stop your arguing and try to agree. This is my cousin's wedding and I want it to be perfect. Capiche?"

We nod. She releases my arms and rips the tape off our mouths. I wince and glance at Chris who is rubbing his mouth.

"Ow." He mumbles.

"Suck it up and get to work." I notice the DJ smile gratefully at her before she turns and walks away. We face eachother and sigh.

"Okay, no Rock and Roll, but we do need something faster than some piano number." He says. I nod.

"Okay...what do you have in mind?"


I'm just gonna be honest, I ignored everything the priest dude said because it's boring. I smile when I hear the last words.

"-kiss the bride." Patrick pulls Mac closer and gently places his lips on hers.

My favorite part of weddings is probably the food. Isn't everyone's? We're all seated in assigned spots and waiting for the beginning of this 5 course meal. Taylor is threatening Patrick and Luna is laughing her head off at something Alex said. I smile.

Wyatt and Chris have been chatting amongst themselves and I notice their eyes occasionally glancing at me...but I can't hear what they're saying.

I turn to my left where Violet is seated, chatting with Blake. I lean over. "Excuse me but I'd like to catch up with Blakey Boy too." I pout. Vi and Blake laugh.

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