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changmin was on his way to the campus, stopping by the nearest café to grab a cup of coffee — no, actually two. one for him and the other for chanhee.

changmin walked through the pavement, moving his lips along the song that played through his earphones. he watched as cars and other vehicles whizzed by. he would never understand the rush of the city. their campus was located at the heart of the city which made the place even more busy that it actually is.

changmin was in no mood for people. he never is. people are just a nuisance, nothing else. he felt an arm loop around his shoulders making him turn around, expecting hyungseo or chanhee but he was greeted by a rather dashing ravenette in a white sweatshirt and black jeans. he had a smile on his face when changmin saw him.

"uh hey," changmin tried to start a conversation but desperately failing. the umber haired boy removed his earphones and let out his signature awkward smile.

younghoon chuckled, making changmin's lips curl into a faint pout. "is that coffee?" younghoon pointed towards the cups changmin held on his hands. "yeah." changmin replied, trying to sound more friendly. he's not sure if he's doing a good job at talking or if younghoon is a person who doesn't mind awkward little encounters like these.

"do you perhaps want one?" changmin spoke, trying to hide the nerves that's been acting up since younghoon showed up.(totally not because of last night) the ravenette pointed at himself in question, probably an attempt to act modest.

changmin gave the coffee to younghoon, who sipped it with a gentle smile dancing on his lips. "was this for your friend?" changmin nodded at the question. "you didn't have to give it to me," younghoon spoke, tapping his fingers on the cup in some rhythm he had in his mind.

"you're my friend too, right?" changmin asked, his mellow voice not rising above a whisper — his screams are rather deadly and very high pitched but younghoon didn't need to know that, yet.

"whoa-" younghoon was rather surprised. "that's some huge character development." the ravenette commented making blood rush to the umber haired boy's cheeks. changmin was about to say something to hide his embarrassment but the taller stopped him, motioning towards the cafeteria which they passed by.

"would you eat lunch with me today?" younghoon asked making changmin look at younghoon, contemplating whether to join or not. he wasn't sure if hyungseo would join him or eat with joonyoung. it's just lunch right?

"yeah," changmin replied, shuffling his phone out of his pocket to check the time. "its time for class, see you," changmin said, walking away.

"oh right, see you!" younghoon waved, walking towards the opposite direction. changmin walked inside his class too see chanhee already on his seat. the umber haired boy let out an awkward smile at the older.

"why are you being weird?" chanhee asked pushing changmin's shoulders. "iam not!" changmin said, moving over to sit properly. chanhee was silent for a moment before he started to speak. "how did we reach home yesterday?" the pink haired boy asked, making changmin bite his lip.

"sangyeon hyung took us home." he replied, trying not to sound uneasy. the memories from yesterday was freshly printed on his mind — how he almost risked his years of friendship with chanhee. if sunwoo didn't come at the right moment, he would've done something that would've potentially ruined his life — saying how chanhee is the only one that keeps him sane, at the same time who drives him insane.

does chanhee know anything about this? how he is living on changmin's head and heart, rent free for years? changmin slapped his cheeks to divert his train of thoughts(the one he calls anxiety express — which is true to an extent) chanhee gave him a weird look, the one he gives when someone does weird stuff, meaning the one changmin always gets from chanhee.

even though being a non people person, changmin is a fun person to get along with — if he gets comfortable with you, he'd probably be the best person or friend for you. chanhee always seemed to appreciate that side of changmin. maybe that's why chanhee didn't leave his side, even when the former grew to be a pretty popular person in their campus. chanhee still considered changmin as his bestfriend — a fact changmin loves and loathes at the same time.

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