March 3rd, 2015

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March 3rd, 2015 was our very first fight.


"I can't believe you would think that!"

"How am I not supposed to think that!"

"There is no reason for you to be worried or upset!"

"You're talking to a guy you used to date. How am I not supposed to be worried. You're feelings for him were strong!"

"They were strong when we were dating! We aren't dating anymore and there are no feelings left over!"

"Feelings don't just go away! You told me you were in love with him! You don't forget your fist love!"

"Luke, you are completely overreacting!"

"Am I Delia, am I really?"


"Whatever, I'm going home."

"You're overreacting Luke."

End Of Flashback


Everything turned out okay. I assured you that you were the only one I wanted. I stopped talking to the guy. You weren't the same after that day though. You were paranoid, nervous, you always seemed to be worried that I was up to something. 


I finally updated! Yay!

Yes I am aware that i suck for not updating in like forever. If I'm being honest, I forgot this book existed. Hopefully this chapter doesn't completely suck. I will hopefully update again today or tomorrow.

Love you!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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