Chapter 1

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Ash was on a winning streak in the Pokemon World Championships and his next opponent was Bea, a gym leader from Galar. After some intense fighting, Ash surprisingly lost and his streak ended. He was heartbroken and his companion Goh tried to cheer him up.

Goh: Ash, it's ok, people win and lose all the time.

Ash: I know, it's just that, it's all my fault, I was too confident and I let my guard. I was too cocky.

Goh: Come on, don't blame yourself for 1 one loss, weren't you the one that always told "don't give up until it's over"? Well, it's not over yet, there are still plenty of battles left to be fought.

Ash: Yeah you are right, I shouldn't give up hope just yet, thanks Goh.

Goh: Not a problem.

After that, both of them returned back to Professor Cerise's lab.

Professor Cerise: So how did it go!?

Goh: Well I sure enjoyed as I was able get a Hitmonchan but......

Professor Cerise: But what?

Ash: I uh, lost a PWC battle and my rank went down from 890 to 930. But it's ok, I will win next time!

Professor Cerise: Yeah thats the spirit!
By the way who did you lose to tho?

Ash: It was trainer called Bea and she is also a gym leader from the Galar region.

Professor Cerise: I see. Isn't Bea a fighting type gym leader?

Ash: Yea-

One of Professor Cerise's assistants came running in.

Assistant: Professor! We have an emergency! We have detected this large hole that opened up in the sky in the Hoenn region! A pokemon we have never seen before came out of it! Professor Birch sent these photographs.

Professor Cerise: Here, let me see.

Ash and Goh also looked at it.

Goh: What is tha-

Goh was cut off when Ash shouted,


Everyone looked at Ash in confusion.

Professor Cerise: Ash, you know what that hole is? And do you know what the pokemon that came out of it is?

Ash: I'm not sure what the pokemon is but I know that it is an Ultra Beast.

Everyone: Ultra Beast!?

Ash: I'll explain it all later when we return but now we need to quickly go to the Hoenn region.

Professor Cerise: Ok explain it all later when you return but how will you get there quickly tho?

Goh: Should we go by boat or plane?

Ash: Well journey by boat will take nearly two days and I just checked and the next flight to the Hoenn region doesn't leave for the next 3 days. But I think I know a faster method.

Goh: And what is that?

Ash: You'll see, but for it, I need to make a phone call.

Goh: Ok?

Ash then quickly ran to the phone and called up Liza in the Charicific Valley.

Ash them came back to Goh and the Professor.

Goh: So what now?

Ash: Now we just need wait for our ride to arrive.

Goh: How long will it take?

Ash: A few hours maybe.

Professor Cerise: Then why not tell me more more about these Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes?

Ash then told the Professor and Goh about Ultra Beasts and Ultra Wormholes.

Professor Cerise: Hmm, very fascinating, and its also from the Alola region.

Goh: So how do you know about these tho?

Ash was about to tell about his journey in Alola when suddenly the the Professor's assistant came in again and informed that a trainer called Liza came with a charizard and was looking for Ash.

Ash: Well our ride has arrived.

Goh: I thought you said it would take a few hours.

Ash: I thought so too but I guess not. I'll ask her later but for now we need to get going.

Ash and Goh headed outside and saw Liza standing there with a charizard.

Liza: Ash, Pikachu, its been a long time since I saw you, how have been?

Ash: I'm doing great and this is my friend Goh.

Goh: Hi, I'm Goh and this my partner Raboot!

Ash: So Liza, how did you get here so early?

Liza: I was actually flying around here training with your charizard and you called me in the middle of our training so I was able to come here early. Anyways are you in the PWC?

Ash: Actually I'm in the Great class right now.

Liza: So, did you call for your charizard for battles?

Ash: Actually I need it for transport. So do you think it can take me and Goh to the Hoenn region?

Liza: Of course!

Ash: So where is he?

Liza: Here!

Liza then took out a pokeball and handed it to Ash.

Ash then released charizard out of its pokeball and it gave out a huge roar as it came out.

Goh: Wow that is YOUR charizard!?

Ash: Yep, but we need to go quickly, we don't have that much time.

Goh: Alright.

Liza: Hey Ash, you should keep your charizard with you, no need to return it.

Ash: Really!?

Liza: Yep! As a matter of fact, your charizard was the strongest one in the valley so I think it's time that it stays with you.

Ash: Wow Liza I can never thank you enough for all the amazing training you gave it.

Liza: Not a problem!

Ash: I think we should get going before it's too late.

Goh: Of course.

Both of them hopped onto charizard along with Pikachu and Raboot.

Ash: Hey charizard, its good to be back with you buddy.

charizard then let out a roar with a smile.

Charizard then took off for the Hoenn region.

Liza: Wait, now how the heck am I supposed to get back?

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