Chapter 4

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With the Ultra Guardians:

(This was all happening when Ash and the others were running through the forest with the injured Ralts)
"So which way do we need to go?" The orange haired boy said. "We need to go this address." Lana said and showed Sophocles her phone screen.

Their jet landed in a clearing a few kilometres away from Petalburgh City.

"So the place is called Little Root Town, We'll reach there soon if we use our ride pokemon." Kiawe said. Everyone agreed then took out their ride pokemon and took off.

While flying, Mallow noticed that there were 4 people running through the forest below them. "Wonder why those guys are in such a hurry." During that time, Lillie got a call from her mother and told that she has informed Professor Birch about their arrival.

(Present time)

After some time they arrived at the Laboratory. "So this must be it, right?" Sophocles asked. "Yup, this is the place, lets go in." Lillie said and then they proceeded to the door and went in. "Uh, hello? Is anyone there?" Lana said aloud. Then a man shouted, "Yes! Coming!" Then a brown haired man in a labcoat came running from another room.

"Ah, yes, how can I help you?" Lillie spoke up, "Umm, we are here for the Ultra beast." "Ultra Beast? Oh! You must be the people that Lusamine was talking about! Then you must be Lillie right?" "Uh, Yes." Lillie said in confusion. "Yes, it's been so long, you were just a baby when I last saw you." Lillie was surprised after knowing that Professor Birch knew about her. "Wait, how do you know about me?"

"Huh? Oh your mother didn't tell you? Then let me explain,A long time ago, I used be your father's research assistant for some years. Eventually, my father who was the head researcher here at the time had retired and requested me to become the next professor here. Mohn understood the situation and let me go then I had came back to Hoenn, took over my father's job and have been the regional professor ever since." Professor Birch finally finished.

Everyone, including the professor's assistants were all shocked and also amazed at the story they just heard to say the least.

Lillie was just awed at the story he just told. She always loves hearing stories about her father, so hearing so much about him from the head professor of Hoenn, it really brought joy to her heart.

After recovering from her shock she said, "Oh! we almost forgot what we are here for, you meant tell us about the Ultra Beast." "Ah yes, my apologies, well the thing came was like a tentacruel but fully white with no eyes and it was floating in the air." Birch described.

"Do you think it's a Nihilego then?" Sophocles told. "Sounds like one." Kiawe responded. "So do you know where it is or where in went?" Lillie asked the professor. "I saw it fly towards the direction of Petalburgh City.

"Thank you professer for your time and also thank you for the story about you and your relation with my father.
It was amazing and inspiring." Lillie said.

"No problem, and when you go back to Alola, tell your mother and brother I said hi." "Of course I will!"

And with that, the Ultra guardians waved the professor goodbye and took off for Petalburgh City.

(Meanwhile with Ash and the others)

Ash and Max were still with Ralts while May and Goh were in the lobby of the pokemon. They were talking and knowing more about each other.

They were talking as if they have been the best of friends for years.

To be continued.

I know this is a weird cliffhanger but I was kind of in a rush to release the next chapter, so yeah.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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