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Classic had remained for almost an hour before he had taken his leave. Dream listened to their conversations, his mind flooded with his own doubts. He wasn't sure Ink would be convinced by Classic being a bad person. Every minute they spent talking, Classic eased his way into a safe area. There was little effort for him to blend in and sway other's to his side.

Dream eventually had left his room, desperate to find something to use against Classic. The longer he waited, the more the Au's would suffer. He hadn't said a single word as he made a portal and left the house, leaving Ink in the living room heavily confused. Dream wasn't sure where to go. No one would believe him, right?

Somehow he found himself in Underswap, his gaze falling onto Blue. The energetic skeleton seemed to perk up noticing Dream.

"Heya pal, what brings you here?" Dream lowered his gaze as he pondered what to say. Blue was the last person to act based on little proof. Cursing under his breath, Dream forced a smile before waving toward Blue.

"Nothing really. Wanted to get out and hang with someone. I actually was wondering if I could speak to Red for a moment!" Confusion flashed over Blue before he nodded.

"He's at the house right now. After losing his whole world, he's not in the best condition..." Dream nodded as he followed behind Blue. He wasn't sure Red was the best choice with his instability, but that part of him also meant he wouldn't try to be rational. Dream hated using people, but he needed proof on Classic. He needed a spy on his side to slip into Classic's life, observe his every move.

Dream was pulled from his thoughts as the front door was pulled open, his gaze falling onto Red lying on the couch. The room was enveloped with sorrow, leaving Dream ill. Ignoring his own feelings, he stepped into the house before approaching Red. His presence didn't seem to do anything except irritate the edgy skeleton.

"Fuck do you want?" There was a moment of silence as Dream turned to Blue, his hands waving him off. There was hesitation before Blue vanished into the kitchen, leaving Red and Dream to speak. 

"I wanted to apologize about your brother and the world. I wish we had acted faster." Red glanced toward Dream, analyzing how sincere he was. After minutes of staring, Red sighed heavily.

"What are you doing here? Thought you'd be with Ink, planning the bad guys demise." Dream took a seat beside Red before his hand pressed to Red's shoulder.

"I was with Ink, just I know something the others don't. I know their is someone who is a traitor in our group, but I cant say a thing." Red narrowed his eyes before a short laugh left him.

"Why cant you tell someone? Most people would believe you, ya know?" Dream shook his head slowly.

"Not on this one. I need proof against this person, otherwise my words will only grant me enemies. I came to request your help. I need a spy to observe them and report their actions." 

"And you want me to be the spy? I don't even know who it is, the traitor." There was a long silence as Dream spoke low.

"Classic. He's not as everyone thinks. He came to visit and showed his true colors, which I will admit was terrifying. Please Red, I need at least one ally on this one." There was hesitation as Red sat up.

"What if I watch him and there is nothing out of place?" Dream shrugged before he leaned against the couch.

"You give up. This is the only chance I have, so I'm asking politely. We need to stop him before he tears the Au's apart." Red's eyes softened as he sighed. His hands rested on his lap before he moved one toward Dream. He held a single hand out, awaiting a handshake. Dream noticed before he felt himself tear up.

Boundless Love (Classic Sans X Bad Sanses)Where stories live. Discover now