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I looked at her. Her hair gleaming in the few rays of sun that escaped into the dull gray room. She was gone. She would never come back. I was would never hear her caring voice or feel her soft touch as long as I lived. "She's gone" I repeated once more but no matter how many times I said it I couldn't believe it. I just w--"um Exuse me miss someone is here to see you" the nurse said rudely interrupting my thoughts. "Who" I asked I didn't have any close family my dad didn't want me surely it wouldn't be long before I was shipped of to an adoption center and adopted by some stranger. I shook my head just thinking about it made my stomach turn."Jane McCallen" I was once again snapped out of my thoughts by the nurse " ok" was all I could manage to get out. A women who looked like she was probably in her late 30s she had beach blond hair that was very curly and emerald green eyes. "Hello I'm a friend of your mothers" I looked at her still confused and she must have noticed " You'll be living with me for a while" she explained. I wanted to cry but my tears were all dried out. How could I be moving in with a stranger. The next few hours were a blur I said goodbye to my mothers lifeless body packed my bags and drove silently to the airport.we had just boarded the plain to Louisiana. California to Louisiana was gonna be a big change. "Let me tell you about my boys" "Boys" I said aloud not realizing it "Yes I have 8 of my own and 2 nephews I hope that's not a problem" she said concerned "not at all" I said I was telling the truth I had always gotten along better with boys. "Let me tell you about them" She showed me pictures This is what I learned:
Nathan: 22, engaged he was a doctor and finished college and high school early he had spiked up light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes
Luke:17 he was captain of the varsity football team rude sometimes and a rule breaker Blond hair and hazel eyes
James: 16 captain of the varsity soccer and baseball team almost never home because of games and practice he looks like a mini Nathan
Cameron: 16 nephew, over protective of his little brother hit black hair and crystal blue eyes
Joey: 14 A party guy 14 going on 21 he had his mothers beach blond hair but crystal blue eyes
Jason:14 joeys twin, an amazing artist and a total sweetheart he looked just like his mother except like a boy of course
Jordan and jack: 12 year old identical twins Jordan loved pranking and jack loves reading they both have long brown hair and emerald eyes but Jordan had glasses
Blake: 12 Cameron's younger brother who hasn't spoken side their parents died he had long black hair that almost hid his crystal blue eyes
Charlie:8 was an adorable sweet young boy with brown hair and hazel eyes
Wow this should be fun. The plane landed Hello Louisiana.

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