009 | Sō Inuoka

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This chapter is revised!
cw : fem!reader, fluff, not a great home situation for reader
wc : 2.1k

My palms grew sweaty as Inuoka once again changed the subject. I was starting to grow insecure about myself due to this silly reason.

I have always wanted to meet his family. Seeing as mine is one I'm not fond of, I was eager for his.

"(Y/n)? You're not busy this Saturday, right? Do you maybe want to go to the movies?" Sō beamed with his usual delight, awaiting for my response.


It's not like I'd have plans anyway. Leaving my house was all I did; if not, I'd be surrounded by my parents fighting all the time. Which wasn't the greatest sight to always see or hear.

"Great!" He cheerfully took my hand in his and started racing down the hallway with me trying to keep up. We've been together for almost a year now, and he has such a unique personality.

However, I have started to grow used to his unusual bursts of energy.

Inuoka was definitely leading us up to the rooftop with Lev and Yaku. We'd always eat there every day, unless it rained, snowed, or the pollen was too much in the spring.

The smell of the fresh summer air filled my lungs as I felt the blazing sun beam upon us while we ate. Summer was such a good season and I loved its clear blue skies.

Once I finished my bento, I leaned on Inuoka's shoulder. He smiled warmly, wrapping his arm around me.

I watched Yaku glare at us in disgust, even though his boyfriend was literally right beside him.

"Yaku-senpai, can we?" The Russian first year was cut short as Yaku elbowed him in the ribs.

I stifled a laugh while Sō's laughter rang through the wind. Still makes my heart feel all funny.. or maybe it's heartburn from my lunch.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Lev groaned, holding his waist.

Who knew Yaku could be so violent toward his partner?

"Yeah, sure, it's not." I chuckled, grabbing my bento box and checking the time.

"Sō? It's about time we head back." I stood up, dusting myself off and being able to look over him for a couple of short seconds.

"Oh, already? Well, see you guys at practice!" Inuoka frantically waved with one hand as we started our walk back inside.

I giggled, pushing him lightly to the door. While we were walking towards our classes, I decided this would be the last time I asked.

"So, this Saturday, can we stay at your house for movies instead?" I asked him, looking down, cursing at myself for always using him as my escape.

"My place? (Y/n), I've been meaning to tell you-" My boyfriend got cut off as one of his classmates came near.

"Hey Inouka! You're going to be late if you dilly-dally!" I heard one of his classmates say to him, clapping him on the shoulder.

He nervously turned back to me and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. Which left me with shivers and butterflies in my stomach.

"I'll tell you later, I promise." He swore, sliding his right pinky through my left one.

I nodded my head knowing he didn't ever break a promise but also wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. It was really embarrassing, even if it didn't seem like it for others, it was to me.

When he turned around I did the same, walking fast in the other direction. Since I was in class four and not one, we had different classes and they were kind of far down the hall from one another.

I felt the red flush grow onto my face as I barely made it to class on time. As I took my seat in the back and put my head down the bell rang.

What did he want to talk about? Was I being too persistent? Most likely.

He was probably fed up with it, but Sō isn't the one who usually gets mad at people. He's so sweet and kind, always thinking of others, especially me.

All kinds of questions ran through my head; I hadn't been paying attention in class.

By the time I did get out of my head, the bell rang. which signaled the end of the day. I sighed, grabbed my notebook in my hands, and walked out.

Inouka had volleyball practice today, and being the obviously kind person I am, I avoided him so he wouldn't be late. God knows how many times he's been late to practice just because he talked to me on the way to the gym after class.

Scurrying the halls, I took a different path from our usual one just to avoid him. It did kind of hurt my own feelings that I was avoiding him.

When I realized that he hadn't followed me, so I continued my journey home. I hoped my parents weren't arguing today; the sound of yelling, door slamming, and contents being thrown about scared me.

However, that seemed like a wish that would never come true.

As I neared my beloved house, I could hear the sounds of shouting from outside. I didn't even want to go through the front door because they'd see me.

Not that it really actually mattered, but the chance of getting hit with something would increase. That incident happened two weeks ago, I had a bandage on my temple for five days.

I rounded the house, climbing on the tree near my window. It was perched near my outside balcony that I use for reading some nights.

I sneakily opening the doors and softly stepping inside. I quickly began to pack two nights worth of clothes. Staying at (F/n)'s house would seem like the better option than staying here any day.

I grabbed my red duffle bag, courtesy of Nekoma handing them out during pep rallys, and shoved all my necessities into it. I slung it over my shoulder and stuck a small note card on my bed, stating my whereabouts.

Not that they'd check it but just in case they do and feel tempted to call the cops to report a teenager missing.

Closing my balcony doors, I climbed down from the tree. Brushing dirt off my skirt, I made my way down a couple of neighborhoods to her house.

I walked past a house that had child bicycles all over the lawn. A couple of children were playing outside, minding their business.

It sure did look like a house that held a big family. I saw, what must've been, their mother coming outside and telling them that it's time for dinner and to wash up before.

As soon as she said that, I hurried over to (F/n)'s house because her parents had probably made dinner by now.

Pressing her doorbell, I was met with (F/n)'s dad.

"Hi Mr.(F/Ln). Would it be okay if I stayed over?" I asked, greeting the man like a close family member.

"Are they going at it again? Well, you're always welcome here. Please come in." He welcome me in with a warm but sad smile.

I smiled and took off my shoes, being brought into a hug by (F/n).

"Hey, mom just made dinner; you're hungry?" She asked, pulling me into the kitchen.


I helped set the table and sat beside (F/n) as we ate dinner, telling each other about our day.

Suddenly, the conversation switched to me and my dating life. Since (F/n) and I have known each other for the longest time, I always spilled everything to her family.

"Well, he said he had to talk to me after class, but he was going to be late if I didn't go the other way." I finished up my latest news with them.

"Maybe he texted you? Have you checked your messages? But do that when dinner is over, sweetie," my friend's mom told me with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." I answered politely.

I quickly ate and then helped wash up some of the dishes while (F/n)'s got my shower ready. They always continue treating me like a guest when i'm more of a family at this point.

Walking into her room, I saw her pulling on her shirt; she must've taken a shower while I was busy.

"I'm going to go take my shower now." I grabbed my clothes from my duffel bag and headed to her bathroom.

"Wait, do you want to watch comedy or romance?" She asked, holding up two DVDs.

"(Comedy/movie)." I pointed to it, and she nodded.

I've never been fond of romantic movies, but my friend never seemed to complain about it.

Today, Sō had told me to meet at the park. I thought we were just going to go to the movie theater, but he had other plans.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, they're really embarrassing. That's why I didn't want you to meet them." Inouka nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Do you want to go now or get ice cream before we head there?" I asked him. I knew he was nervous, but they can't be that bad, right?

"Ah! That sounds great!" He laughed, pulling me towards an ice cream truck he had his eye on for a while.

I ended up giving my ice cream cone to him, only because I loved the way his eyes lit up at the sight of more sweets.

We neared a house I had seen the other day, with all the bicycles around the yard. My heart kind of dropped but it was still filled with excitement.

"I'm sorry in advance." He whispered and opened the door before I could process what he said.

"Mom? Dad? I'm back!" Sō shouted, taking off his shoes, which were set by lots of other pairs with different sizes and colors.

"Oh! Did you bring your girlfriend yet? I've been dying to meet her!" I heard a lady shout from the kitchen.

Different sounds throughout the house brought me to my senses. I heard the TV on in the living room, kids playing, some even playful arguing, and small footsteps on the stairs.

It was definitely a lot to take in; I could feel Sō's eyes burning into my head as I looked around the cozy feeling house before I got greeted by a woman.

"Oh my! She's so gorgeous! What's your name, darling?" The woman I saw the other day had pulled me into a hug. I spewed out my name, which was muffled by her shoulder.

"(L/n) (Y/n). And could you please stop suffocating my girlfriend? I'd like to keep her alive." I felt him pull me back from his mother's grasp.

"Sorry, Sō, she's just so cute, and this is the first time you brought a girl home! Honey! Come meet (Y/n)!" I heard his mom yell, not in anger but in pure happiness. It was definitely a change did pace from my own house.

I was surprised by her using my first name right away. Inouka nudged my arm, causing me to snap my neck towards him.

"I'm sorry, did she make you uncomfortable? I keep telling her about how people might not like that." He groaned shamefully, and I could laugh at how cute he is.

"Sō, it's okay. This is exciting." I held his hand while he led me to the living room. I had met his mom, dad, and five siblings.

"Your siblings do have a lot of energy," I commented as I watched two small children run after each other.

"Well, when your parents are actual crackheads, then I guess you get this." He gestured to himself and his siblings.

After that, I had been spending so much time with them that I had forgotten it had gotten dark. Which concluded with me staying the night, they promised that they wouldn't mind having another child in the house.

That night changed everything; I had consistently came over and sometimes spent a whole two weeks over. My parents obviously were too busy fighting with each other to notice.

They had practically said I was their own, which Inuoka and I reframed from letting them say since we are dating.

"Play the movie." I heard the child whine as he settled on the couch.

"Okay, okay. Calm down (c/n)." I laughed and pressed play on the Disney movie we picked.

It was as if I had become a part of the Inouka family. Which was all I really wanted all along: a family.

𝐻𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊𝓊 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈Where stories live. Discover now