Journey to Hoheto's Estate

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Neji watched Hinata's figure disappear into the distance.

That girl.. she's a handful. There was no way Neji could leave her alone for three months with no one around to protect her. Even Hanabi cared for Hinata in her own strange way.. three months alone with Hiashi... Neji shuddered to think how it would affect her. She was only just starting to come out of her shell, she needed more support - the kind of which she would never get from Hiashi.

Marriage. How was Neji to prove to the Elder that he and Hanabi.. had a good relationship? I suppose with the age difference, we're not expected to be.. romantic. They more had to show that their relationship was.. what? Not the abysmal excuse it is now? 

Neji wasn't sure how they would pull it off. But despite his uneasiness he felt as though he would figure it out somehow.

The twilight had faded, it was now dark. Neji decided to head back to his quarters and begin preparation for departing.

Neji gathered what little belongings he had, everything else would be already prepared for him at Elder Hoheto's estate. There was a knock at the door, instantly Neji could tell who it was.

"How polite of you to knock." Neji turned around, his only bag over his shoulder. 

Hanabi ignored him, her arms crossed an annoyed look painted on her face.

"Why?" Hanabi asked, leaning against the door frame.

Neji approached her, looking down at her. "If you're going to ask a question, ask it properly. I don't know what you're talking about." Neji took another step forward, waiting for her to move out of the doorway. Hanabi didn't budge.

"Why are you being dragged along with us to Elder Hoheto's?" Hanabi started defiantly up at him.

"Hiashi-sama said he informed you as to why." Neji replied.

"Hiashi-sama only told me that we were to go to Hoheto's estate to train together.. for three months. I'm asking you - Why?" Hanabi still refusing to move.

Neji took a moment before deciding what to say. Hanabi and him did not speak often, but he assumed that Hiashi would have informed her of... his plans. He saw now that this was not the case.

Nothing is offical .. not by a long shot. Neji thought to himself. Not until an offical, approved engagement had been announced to the clan - marriage was still a long way off. 

"Hiashi said that this was to improve the relationship between the branch and Main family." Neji told her, technically this was the main goal...

"But why you, you're-" Neji, who was already tired, not particularly looking forward to the two-four day trip that was ahead of him and already knew what slew of insults was about to come out of Hanabi's mouth - promptly turned around and left through the window.

We haven't even left yet and this is already starting out great. Neji thought sarcastically. At least if I leave we're not fighting?

Neji sighed. Jeez.  

He began to head the entrance to the estate, where the designated meeting spot was. It was still an hour before dawn, so he decided to stop by the engewa - the beloved training area.

Neji found Hinata already sitting there, a small bag on her shoulders.

"Hinata-sama, good morning." he walked over and sat down next to her.

"G-good morning Ni-san!" her face was flushed again.

There was a somewhat comfortable silence. Neji took in the training ground for what felt like the last time. There was an uneasiness that resided within him. Something about this trip.. ah it's nothing. No good would come from overthinking things one cannot control.

"Ni-san?" Hinata asked, "You were so lost in thought you didn't answer me." she smiled.

"Oh.. I'm sorry Hinata-sama. I was just thinking of the trip ahead of us. What did you ask?"

Hinata got to her feet. "I asked if you wanted to get going, I bet Hanabi is already there waiting for us." 

Neji nodded. The walk to the estate took no time at all, sure enough when they arrived Hanabi was there, a few maids surrounding her making sure she was prepared.

Hiashi was also there, talking to some attendants. Upon seeing him, Neji felt Hinata stiffen beside him. 

He turned to her and said in a hushed voice, "It will be okay Hinata-sama." Hinata only nodded slightly.

"Neji. Come here." Hiashi summoned him, Neji had no choice but to obey.

Hiashi relayed to him the plan, they were to travel from dawn and go on the fastest route that an attendant had mapped out for them. If they followed this, the journey should take only two days before they reached the estate.

They were travelling with no body guards, they would only slow them down. At first Neji was surprised considering the Heiress was travelling with them, but he supposed that they were among the top Ninja in the clan. Even Hinata. He thought smugly, all thanks to his fine training that is.

The sun began to slowly climb into the sky, golden orange rays peaking out from the horizon. 

"It is time." Hiashi called. "Hanabi, train well. I expect you to show Hoheto that you are one worthy of the title heiress." He turned to Neji. "Represent the Branch family well, do not forget your mission."

Neji nodded. Both Hanabi and Hinata bowed. Hinata was a few meters away, holding her hands against her chest.

Hiashi, of course, ignored her. "Now go." 

Both Neji and Hanabi walked over to Hinata, the formation they formed was Hanabi in front, Hinata in the middle (both of them silently agreeing for her safety) Neji at the back.

And in a flash they were gone.

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