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Gang Orca had not expected a child, no, he didn't know Inko was pregnant. Not until she died. 

Even then, he only found out when he saw a small, crying child at the foot of her coffin. The child had small fins on the side of his face and a stout tail. 

It only took him a few minutes to piece together that that was his child, the fins, and the legal papers that were handed to him once he set foot into the funeral home. He walked up to the small child once everyone had left and patted his back. 

The child looked up to him with cat-like eyes, a transparent eyelid blinked away his tears, "W-who are you?" 

Gang Orca's voice failed him, the child sounded at least four-five years old, "Erhm, I'm your father. The Pro Hero Gang Orca." 

The boy squinted his eyes, "Ma-mama said that m-my daddy didn't-t know I was b-born." 

Gang Orca sighed, "She was right, little boy. I didn't know I had a son until today. I'm sorry about Ink- your mom." 

The little boy seemed to hold back another round of tears, "You don't need to say s-sorry. It wasn't y-your fault. The f-fire was just too big." He looked down. "A-and I was too weak..." His body started shaking as he fought to hold in his tears. 

Gang Orca picked up the child and slowly rubbed his back, "No, it's not your fault. You're just a little kid, would your mom be happy if she heard you blaming yourself?"


Gang Orca held him up to his face, "What would she say?"

"The-there was nothing I c-could've done and that s-she's happy I'm okay." His tears started to dry up. 

Gang Orca felt bad, he had seen how big the flames were. A stray villain had started the fire on accident in their haste to escape All Might. The documents said, Inko had rushed into the building after arriving at the scene to rescue her son, she had managed to throw him through the window and into Hawk's arms before the ceiling collapsed on her. The boy was lucky enough to have passed out from fear and lack of oxygen. 

From what he could put together, Gang Orca assumed that the child had inherited his water type quirk and natural weakness to fire. He gently smoothed out the wayward scales on the boy's arm to help him calm down. The scales felt cracked and needed treatment. There was no doubt that they had been dried out from the heat. 

Gang Orca passed the forms of adoption into the social worker's hands and left the funeral home. He had set a bouquet of water lilies on Inko's coffin. They were the first flowers he had ever bought her, and with a grim thought, he realized they would also be the last. 

The child had fallen asleep in his arms, Gang Orca set him gently down into the backseat and buckled him up. He would have to buy a car seat. 

As he himself sat in the driver's seat he thought about his two choices. Number one, bring the child to his house and let him sleep for the time being, and number two, take the child to the hospital to get those scales cured. Gang Orca knew from personal experience that hardened skin hurt, a lot. He chose to take the child to the hospital and was slightly upset that he had to think about it before making a decision. 

The nurses were surprised to see the number twelve hero walk into their building with a child tucked into his arm, but the surprise vanished and was replaced with concern for the small bundle instead. 

The child woke up and Gang Orca assured him he would be alright, the nice people were going to make his scales feel better. He relaxed at the thought of his owies feeling better but the fear still stood in his eyes. 

"You aren't going to leave again, are you?" 

Gang Orca nearly tripped. The pure worry in the child's voice struck him deep in the heart. 

"No, I'm not going to leave you." 

The child squeezed his hand before letting one of the nurses carry him away. 

Gang Orca sat on the floor (the chairs were too small, he made a mental note of donating different sized chairs to the local hospitals) and plucked out his phone. Originally, he was going to run to the store to buy a car seat while the little boy was being healed. His plan was erased, he wouldn't break his promise. 

"Hello, ghostbusters!"

Gang Orca sighed heavily, "Listen, Sirius, I need a favor."

"Sure thing boss, what is it?"

"I need you to go to the store and pick up a car seat, one that would fit a-" he hesitated for a moment and tried to recall the words that were printed on the adoption papers, "-five-year-old boy. I'll pay you back personally."

The voice on the other line was silent, "You better explain when I get there, where are you?"

"Shizuoka Hospital."

"You have twice the amount of explaining to do, I'll be there soon." 

"Thank you."

Gang Orca pocketed the phone and was left to wait. An occasional patient will ask for his signature, which he'll give away happily, it was rare that somebody asked for his autograph. Most people at first glance think he's the villain and not the hero. 

Seventeen minutes later Sirius arrived in the lobby with a car seat in her hand, when she spotted Gang Orca sitting on the floor it took a visible effort not to laugh before she skipped over to him. 

She sat the car seat behind her, "Explain."

"I have a child."

"Explain more."

"His mother recently passed away, I found him at the funeral."

"Keep going."

"I took him here because the scales on his arms were dried up and flaky. That stuff hurts."

"Alright, I'm satisfied." She handed him the car seat. 

Gang Orca almost face palmed himself at the shark decorations that patterned the fabric, "Seriously?"

Sirius smiled, "Don't act like you don't like it, boss."

A nurse walked out of the dark hallway (it wasn't really dark, but from an outside perspective it seemed like an endless abyss) and requested for a 'Mr. Gang Orca'.  

Gang Orca heaved himself upwards with a huge huff and walked steadily over towards the nurse. 

The nurse wilted at the sight of Gang Orca before recovering himself, "I need you to sign these papers before we release the kid to you." 

Gang Orca read the papers carefully, ignoring the look of confusion on the nurse's face. He needed to make sure everything was a-okay. Nodding his head in content, Gang Orca signed the papers and handed them back to the nurse. 

The nurse grabbed the clipboard and walked back into the other worldly hallway before walking back out with the child behind him. 

"Recovery girl's grandson was in today, thankfully, so the child was healed up quickly." 

The boy walked straight up to Gang Orca, who picked him up and fell asleep. "You didn't leave me."

Gang Orca rubbed the boy's back and whispered 'thank you' to the nurses. He motioned for Sirius to grab the car seat and follow him. 

He opened the door and let Sirius set the seat in place before putting the child down.

Sirius fawned over the black-haired kid and resisted the urge to stroke his 'tiny wittle fins', "Hey boss."


"What's his name?" 

Gang Orca blanked. 


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