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"You hungry?" Louis asked breaking the silence.

I nod.

He pulled at a nearby café.  It was a but small but cute. We walked inside. There was just few people sitting in the corner.

We sat a down at a corner. 

"I need you to meet someone" Louis said looking towards me. 

Who would it be, Eleanor is in New York, we're in Richmond. No way in hell in hell she would come to Richmond.

"yeah, I'm right here" I heard Louis talking on phone.

"Okay, cool" He hung up the phone.

Thousands of question ran inside my mind. Who was he talking to? Why does he want me to meet them? Is it a boy or a girl? Geez calm down.

"Who was it?" I finally asked Louis.

"You'll see" Louis said with a smirk on his lip.

I hate suspense , I despise it.

After a minute or two a waitress, comes with a two cups of hot chocolate . When did he ordered that?

"Thanks love" Louis said to her.

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. Is she blushing?

I grab the cup in my hands, it was hot. Duh, its a hot chocolate. My subconscious added. 

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts my the squeaking sound of chair being dragged, I realize it was happening just beside me. I looked at who was doing that. I saw a man sitting beside.

"Harry this is Grace, Grace this is Harry" Louis said introducing us.

"Hi I'm Harry" He said extending his hands.

"Hi, I'm Grace" I said shaking his hand. His hands are soft and cold as ice.

"You're hot" He said. What?

"Excuse me?" I said shocked with the choice of his words.

"I mean your hands, they are warm" He said pointing toward my hands. Of course they are warm, I was drinking hot chocolate. 

I chose to ignore him. I looked at Harry, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a black skinny ripped jeans. His hair color is brown.

"Staring is rude" Harry teased.

"I wasn't staring" I said rolling my eyes. Who does he think he is? Chris Evans?

"So you were checking me out" He teased again

God he is so annoying. 

I ignored him again.

"I'm taking that as yes" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes again and Louis laughed. Of course you would find this funny.

Louis phone suddenly started vibrating.

"Yes mom" He said answering the phone.
"Okay I'll be there" Louis groaned.

"My mom wants me to pick Lottie from the piano lessons. I have to go I'm sorry" He said frowning.

I stood up from my place.

"No you can't go" Louis said. What? I can spend time with this 'Mr.Annoying'.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Please try to understand. He'll drop you" He said pointing towards Harry.

Harry was just sitting there with a grin as if it was a show going on. 

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