Chapter 4

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Clocking in for work, you heard someone playing the piano. You rushed over to see who it was, praying that it was the piano man you've been looking for.

"Aha! I've finally found you!" You exclaimed, grinning. You stood next to the piano where a blond-haired boy sat. "You're the piano man."

He looked up at you, face twisting in confusion. His hands hovering over the keys. "The piano man?"

"Yeah, it's you isn't it? So how does it end?

"How does what end?"

"The song! Surely you've written the ending by now. It's been weeks. You're in here all of the time playing it, but you never get to play the end before you disappear like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight." Seeing that the boy still looked confused, you motioned for him to slide over.

The music store was filled once again with the now familiar tune.

The boy's eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh, this song!"

"Yeah, so how does it end?" The familiar tune shifted and changed as you approached the unwritten section, leaving you to improvise the ending.

"I have to confess. I'm not your piano man that you're looking for." Your face fell.

"You're not?"

"But I know who is." His phone buzzed. He checked the screen before slipping it back into his pocket and standing up. "Don't worry. I'm sure your piano man will turn up soon."

The boy waved and the door slammed shut behind him.

"Wait! Just tell me his name. Or even your name!" Y/N called after him, standing in the doorframe. Your request was met with silence as he disappeared down the street.

- - - -

The next day when you walked into the music store for your shift, the blond haired boy from before came back.

"You're back my mysterious not-piano man," Y/N greeted as he walked through the door. "Still not going to tell me who you are or who my piano man is?"

The boy shook his head, grinning. "Nope, not today. I have something else for you though."

"And what is that?"

"A song that needs fixing." The boy stood next to the piano, waiting for you to follow. "Hyunjin told me that you have perfect pitch and I want to test it by playing a game where you fix the 'broken' song."

"Fix the broken song? What kind of title for a game is that?"

The boy pouted. "It's a fun game. Don't make fun of its name."

You held your hands up in surrender.

"Alright, here's how to play this amazing game called fix the broken song. I'll play part of a song and then you have to play the same thing back, but when you play it you have to fix the parts where I messed up and ruined the melody."

"Okay, sounds easy enough."

He smiled, sitting down on the piano bench. He began playing the first song. You recognized it right away. It was constantly being played on the radio. It was child's play to figure out where not-piano man messed up.

Sliding onto the bench, your fingers hovered over the keys. As the melody manifested itself in your mind once more, your fingers pressed the corresponding keys. Not-piano man clapped as you successfully completed the song, fixing his mistakes.

"This next one won't be as easy," he promised.

And he was right. It wasn't as easy since you hadn't heard the song before, but that didn't mean it was impossible. The notes neatly arranged themselves on staves in your mind. Your ears easily picked up on the dissonant notes that clashed with the rest of the melody.

As you stretched her fingers, a knowing smirk graced your lips. The melody once again poured out of her as you corrected the dissonant notes that appeared when the not-piano man played.

He clapped again. "Nice job, you really do have perfect pitch. For your last challenge, to win the grand prize--"

"What prize?"

"It's just an expression. You know, like something a game show host would say. Anyways, as I was saying, the bonus round features a song by the real piano man himself. However, his song needs fixing. Your job is to fix the song and finish the ending."

He set his phone on top of the piano and pressed play. Your face lit up, instantly recognizing the song by your piano man. It was the same song that had been haunting you for days now.

However, it wasn't quite the same. Small parts had been changed. Overall the song flowed much better than the first time you had heard it, but as it reached the final verse the melody shifted and felt off.

"If I win the game do I get to know who the real piano man is? Or even who you are?"

The boy thought for a moment. "Piano man's identity shall remain a mystery until he wants to reveal himself. As for me, if you can fix the song I will tell you who I am."

Your fingers slid across the keys one final time, recreating the melody that had been haunting you for so long. You didn't need any time to stop and think about how to fix it.

You'd already tried a million different combinations, trying to figure out which one the composer might have chosen. However, since the infamous composer had yet to write the ending, you played the ending you thought fit best with the rest of the song.

You were so entranced by the song that you didn't notice him pressing record on his phone to capture the melody.

He clapped once more as the song came to an end, bringing you out of your thoughts. He slipped his phone back into his pocket without you noticing.

"So, did I win the grand prize?"

"Yes! That was amazing!"

"So will you tell me your name now?"

"I'm Jimin."

"What about your friend? Who is he?"

He checked the clock. "Ooh, I gotta run. You'll find out next time. I promise." With that, he dashed out the door. You sighed in frustration.

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