Chapter 5

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Someone pounded on the door to Yoongi's studio. Groaning, Yoongi stood up and cracked the door to see an energetic Jimin waiting.

"Yoongi! Yoongi! Guess what!" Jimin exclaimed, bursting with energy. He pushed past Yoongi to sit down on the couch.

"Can it wait until a bit later? I'm kind of in the middle of something," Yoongi grumbled defeatedly.

Crumpled up papers littered the desk and floor. Minutes had ticked by into hours, which turned into days. Still, there was no progress. It was getting so bad that Yoongi was having nightmares about it where the piano keys would angrily chase him around.

"You're still trying to write the end to that song, right?"

"Yeah. I've been in here all week and still nothing. I'm not any closer than I was last week."

"I know how to finish it!" Yoongi looked at him unimpressed. "Just listen."

"What are you––?"

Jimin hit play on the first recording. The familiar tune that had caused Yoongi so much stress over the past few weeks filled the room. The piece rose to a crescendo and continued just as beautifully as if Yoongi had written it himself. It was perfect. It had everything that the song was missing.

Yoongi finally felt at ease for the first time in over a week. The song was done. He slumped back in his chair, just listening to it play on repeat. Every time it ended, he smiled to himself.

After about the fifth time listening to it, he turned back to Jimin. "Who wrote that?" Yoongi eyed Jimin suspiciously.

Jimin could play the piano. He had no doubt about that. But this song? It was well beyond his skills. There were nuances to it that showed the pianist had years, if not decades, of experience. There was something to it that sounded familiar too. Something in the way it flowed. Chaotic and almost random at times, but controlled. Yoongi couldn't quite place it though.

"Umm... I did." Jimin shifted his feet nervously.

"You did? You don't sound so sure."

Jimin wasn't even sure why he lied. However, he didn't even know your name. So it was okay that he took the credit, right? It's not like you'd find out anyways.

Jimin crossed his arms defensively. "Well I did. Now you don't have to be so stressed about it anymore. Can you help me with my song now?"

"Yeah, sure."

Jimin pulled up a chair and they got to work.

- - - -

The song was caught on a loop in your head. It had been for days. You couldn't seem to focus on anything else.

Seeing as there were no customers in the store, you stepped out from behind the counter and took a seat at the store's piano. As your fingers glided across the keys, the room was filled with the same song that was haunting you.

The part that bothered you the most about the song was that it was unfinished. Whoever played it originally had run off before finishing the melody, leaving you to guess the ending.

The version that you had played for Jimin was the most satisfying so far. You kept coming back to this version. It was as close as you figured you could get without hearing it again.

"It's you."

Y/N turned around to see Yoongi standing behind you. You hadn't even heard him come in. You were so wrapped up in the song.

"Hey Yoon."

"Where did you hear that song?"

"Oh, some boy came in here and played it for me on his phone. He wouldn't tell me his name though or the name of the person who wrote it."

"Was his hair blond?"

You lit up. "Yes! It was!"

"Jimin," Yoongi cursed under his breath.

"So you know him? Do you know who wrote it too then?"

Yoongi shifted awkwardly on his feet. Should he tell you it was him? He took a deep breath.

"It was me. I wrote that song."

Your eyes widened in realization. "You're Piano man!" You ran over and hugged him. "I should've guessed it was you. See I knew you were a genius."

"I wouldn't say I'm a genius..."

You sat back down at the piano and began playing your version of the ending to his song. "I've been trying to figure out who it was so I could ask them how the song ends. So how did you end up finishing the melody? Can I hear it?"

"Oh, I've got some last things to touch up still." Yoongi scratched the back of his neck.

"But you'll play it for me soon, right?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess."

"Yay! Then I can finally hear the genius himself play." You clapped excitedly. "Wait, so are you a songwriter? Have I heard anything you've written?"

"Oh... uh, I don't know. Probably not..." A lie, but a necessary one. The conversation was steering a little too close to his personal life.

"Oh I get it. You must be one of those famous producers who has worked on all the top 100 hits. Don't worry, I'll keep your secret Yoon." You winked playfully.

"Thank you." His voice sounded more serious than you expected.

"We wouldn't want everyone to find out that this is your usual hang out spot. Then there would be all sorts of fans running around and you wouldn't get to hear me play."

Yoongi shifted uncomfortably before changing the subject, putting you in the hot seat.

"If anyone is the real songwriter, it's you Y/N. I swear every time I hear you play it's like you've written another enchanting song."

You blushed at the compliment. "Nah, I can barely play a piece without getting distracted and improvising. I doubt I'd be that good at actually writing a real song."

"I think you're better than you give yourself credit for. Don't sell yourself too short."

You hid behind your hands, unable to stop blushing.

"What are you doing this Saturday?" He asked.

"Umm, I have a piano competition."

"Perfect. I'll come watch you play and then we can prove once and for all that you're a genius pianist."

"Deal. I'll see you then."

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now