Chapter 10

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Walking in the front door of the BTS dorms, you were amazed at how expensive everything looked. You were almost afraid to touch anything. You had barely taken your shoes off when two boys peaked around the corner and rushed over to you.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung. Who are you?" The first one asked.

"Oh umm, hi. I'm Y/N."

Taehyung gasped. "It's you! You helped Yoongi with the song. It's amazing. I've been listening to it on repeat. Are you a song writer? Have you written other songs? Can I hear them? Will you write a song with me?"

As soon as the one boy stopped talking, the other started. "Rumor has it you and Yoongi hyung went on a date. Is that true? Do you like him? Are you guys secretly dating? He's done a pretty good job of keeping you a secret so far. Not even we knew about you. Except Jimin I guess. Oh, I'm Hoseok by the way."

You took a step back, using Yoongi as a shield, overwhelmed by their rapid fire questions.

"Guys back off. Give her some space." Yoongi held his hand out, creating a little barrier and space between you and them.

The front door opened and Jimin rushed in. "Hey, you made it! Glad I didn't get chased by screaming girls for ten blocks for nothing." Jimin winked at you.

The front door opened again, this time revealing an older man in his 40s. Brow furrowed, he was not nearly as excited to see you as Jimin was. "I've been calling you for the past hour! I've been everywhere looking for you!"

He pulled Yoongi into another room, leaving you alone with Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin.

"Who was that? Is Yoongi in trouble?" you asked worried. You hesitated, not sure if you should go check on Yoongi or just wait for him to come back. Hoseok smiled reassuringly.

"Oh that's our manager, Manager Sejin. He hasn't been too happy that Yoongi's been risking his safety to hang out at the music shop."

"Or that he went back there to get you today and didn't bring any security with him," Taehyung added.

"Oh right." You had almost forgotten for a minute that Yoongi was a big name idol and not your average Yoon.

"He also yelled at me earlier for exposing you as the composer on Twitter without telling him first," Jimin added. "I'm really sorry about that by the way. I wasn't thinking before I tweeted that out. After hearing you play so beautifully, I was mad when Yoongi didn't credit you for your part. I didn't think about how it could possibly put you in danger."

You took a deep breath, letting any lingering anger go. "I forgive you. I know you and Yoongi never meant to hurt me. It was just a lot for me to process, finding out you were famous, getting chased by fans."

Suddenly, the door opened and Manager Sejin and Yoongi rejoined the little group in the hallway. Yoongi moved to stand next to you, grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand soothingly.

"Song Y/N, hello," Sejin greeted. "It has been decided that you may stay here for the next few days until the public calms down. We wouldn't want you to risk your personal safety because of the careless actions of some of the members." Sejin narrowed his eyes, looking back and forth between Jimin and Yoongi.

His phone buzzed. "I have to rush off to a meeting. But it was nice to meet you Y/N. Please let the boys know if you need anything. They will be happy to accommodate you."

"Thank you so much. It was nice to meet you too."

He waved before closing the front door behind him.

"Yay! Sleepover with Y/N!" Jimin cheered.

"Y/N you can sleep in my room!" Taehyung offered.

"No way! She should sleep in my room instead," Hoseok argued.

"She's not sleeping in any of your rooms. She can sleep in the guest room. Come on. I'll show you your room." Yoongi pulled on your hand, guiding you towards the guest room.

"Someone's awfully protective of Y/N. I bet he likes her," Jimin whispered to the other boys.

Taehyung shook his head. "Nah, Yoongi hyung is too focused on his music."

"As the other half of Sope, I can confirm that he's in love," Hoseok argued. "Just look at the way he looks at her."

"Plus he's been sneaking away from the studio for weeks to visit her without telling any of us. Definitely in love," Jimin pointed out.

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now