Chapter 12

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The words kept swirling around in your head, repeating over and over again. You could hear Manager Sejin's voice as if he were standing right next to you. "Despite the initial shock, your contribution was well received by fans, and people want to hear more from the two of you. So Bang Si-hyuk would like to extend a trial period for you as a producer here at BigHit."

It was like a dream come true. A dream you hadn't dared dream before. Making music always felt so distant. The music industry was so cutthroat, you thought the best you could hope for was becoming a great pianist and playing with orchestras or at fancy restaurants or something.

Now it was real. Your dream job was within your grasp. All you had to do was write another amazing song with Yoongi.

The pressure weighed heavy on your shoulders.

I can't mess this opportunity up. It's a once in a lifetime chance, you thought.

"What's wrong Y/N? You're always coming up with random melodies while you play."

Your fingers were still hovering above the keys, afraid to touch them. You let your hands fall into your lap. "I know it's a stupid thought, but... What if I'm not good enough?"

"What do you mean? You're an amazing pianist."

"But I'm not really a composer or producer. I mean I've written songs on a whim before. But no one else ever listened to them. Millions of people have liked the video for 'Haunted'. They're even playing it on the radio!"

"Remember what I told you before your piano competition? Don't worry about everyone else. Just pretend that you're playing for me in the music shop. That's all we're doing right now. Having fun."

"You're right. Let's try again."

But after several hours of sitting in front of the piano, trying random melodies, nothing struck home with you. As hard as you tried to have fun and push the pressure to the back of your mind, you knew it was still there, weighing on you.

Yoongi put his hand over yours, causing you to look up at him. "Let's take a break for tonight."

"I'm sorry Yoon. I just – My mind is all cloudy."

"Hey don't worry about it. I couldn't come up with anything either. Sometimes you just hit a roadblock." He held your hand, rubbing the back of your hand soothingly. "For now, we'll call it a day and maybe tomorrow we'll find more inspiration. Okay?"

"Okay." You smiled. You liked it when he did that. It was like he was checking up on you to make sure you were okay.

"Come on, let's head back to the dorms."

- - - -

You layed in bed for hours, just staring at the ceiling. Finally you couldn't take it anymore. You padded into the kitchen to get a glass of water, hoping that would help. The cold water felt refreshing, but you were still wide awake.

About to walk back to your room, the piano sitting in the corner caught your eye. It was well after midnight. Everyone else was in their room sleeping.

I'll just play softly, you thought. Nothing too loud.

You started playing a soft ballad. It wasn't hard to get wrapped up in the music. Everything else seemed to fade away until it was just you and the music. You were so lost in your own world, that you didn't notice Yoongi until he was leaning on the wall next to you.

"Oh I'm sorry Yoon. Did I wake you up?" You stopped playing the piano, frightened like a child caught doing something they shouldn't. Your hands hovered over the keys.

He shook his head. "No, I couldn't sleep either." Yoongi walked closer, leaning against the piano. "What were you just playing?"

"Oh, it was nothing really. I was just improvising."

"That was all improvised?"


"It was beautiful. Can you play it again for me?"

You began playing again; however, it sounded slightly different this time. The once darkening melody shifted to a playful and innocent one.

"You changed it," Yoongi teased.

"Did I?"

"Yeah, you did. It sounds more upbeat this time."

You shrugged. "Well I just play whatever I'm feeling."

"And you're feeling happier?"

"Of course, you're here."


You laughed. "Yes you. I like playing for people, especially you. You always get the biggest smile on your face that I hardly see otherwise."

"Nah, I do not."

"Don't even try to deny it. I've seen it." You waggled your finger at him playfully.

"How could I not smile when you play so beautifully?"

You blushed.

"I'm serious Y/N. You have a gift that few others have."

"Aww thank you Yoon."

You leaned your head on Yoongi's shoulder. The silence that once felt heavy now felt peaceful since you happily shared it with Yoongi now.

"Whatcha thinking about?" you asked after a while.

"Just how happy I am to have met you."

"Me too."

"Can you play one more song for me before we go to bed?"


You started playing whatever came to mind. Your fingers danced around the keys, playing a happy, reminiscent tune.

"Wait. That's it! That's the melody for our song. It's perfect," Yoongi cried.

"You think so?"

He nodded. "Yes. I've got a few tweaks in mind, but that's for sure our melody."

You and Yoongi spent the rest of the night fine tuning the song.

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now