Movie night 2.0

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"Skeppy? Dream?"
"Huh? Sapnap?"

Dream's POV
I knew i recognised that voice but the last person i expected to see was Nick, he lived way over in Texas! Then again Skeppy didn't live in Florida either but eh. I was surprised he recognised me honestly, we hadn't seen each other for about 6 months. He'd grown a beard now and it suited him pretty well.

All of that aside what was Bad doing with him?

That was when i noticed Bad's phone absolutely shattered in his hand, my eyes locked onto it and i was shocked, did Nick break his phone?

No, he wouldn't do that, but surely it can't get like that just from being dropped. Bad wasn't a violent person either so i didn't suspect either of them. If that was the case though then who broke it?

I just needed to stop thinking, we'd found Bad and that's all that mattered really, our search was over. Not only had we found Bad but we'd found Sapnap too so that means more people to join in on the fun, if he wanted to do course.

I'm sure he'd want to, he was always the sort of guy that brought life to parties and could make anything fun really.

Sapnap was a pretty cool guy.

I'm not sure Skeppy felt the same though, he looked a little agitated just at the sight of him, though i wasn't sure whether that was just his normal expression or jokey.

Either way he just didn't look too pleased and that was a little worrying.

No one else seemed to notice this however so i brushed it off and just turned my attention back to Darryl and Nick. We all grouped together and Darryl told us what happened to his phone. He seemed awkward around me though, his tone wasn't quite the same. It was like he was being mindful of what he said around me.

I didn't know what i'd done wrong. The last interaction i had with him ended with him running out. I'm sure you all know that by now though. I've mentioned it quite a few times by now.

The tension was almost unbearable so i just kinda took myself out of the conversation, slowly stopped talking altogether and just shifted my gaze to the floor.

Sapnap's POV
Now i didn't know anything about why, how or when these two had met up but even a blind man could see there was something up between Darryl and Clay. I looked over to Zak to see if he noticed anything but he just gave a dark stare. That sent shivers down my spine.

Alright. So apparently Zak hates me for some reason and the other two are at each other's throats too. There's a lot of drama and i want someone to tell me what's going on before i go crazy.

We all eventually agreed that we would go back to Bad's house and chill, they said they had leftover popcorn and other food from last night cause they had a movie night and we could just have that if we chose to do a movie night tonight. In between all of this though i was going to get some info on this whole situation, or try my best at the very least.

I had Bad and Dreams phone number so i should be able to text them and ask them about what's going on, i might be able to get something out of Dream since we're pretty close and he tells me pretty much anything. Bad might be a little more stubborn though cause he's... well he's Bad. He's a stubborn lil muffin but he's still sensitive so i knew something had to be up.

He was pretty talkative before Dream and Skeppy turned up and due to the fact that Dream seemed to avoiding any sort of conversation or anything with Bad i figured that he was the one i needed to discuss.

God this was going to be hard work but if it's what i had to do then i'd do it. I wanted everyone to be happy, i don't know how i'd change Zak's mood though cause i don't know what happened in the first place with him. Maybe he just didn't like me, a lot of people don't.

Anyway, we all settled down on the couches, me and Bad on one whilst Zak and Clay sat on the other, we were pretty much opposite to each other so that didn't help the tension. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Speaking of knives, what if i was cake? What if the couch was cake? Or the tv, or the floor, or the house? I've been watching too much tiktok, honestly i don't know what even goes through my mind anymore. I mean, people have nicknamed me sippy cup so what do you expect?

Skeppy's POV
I didn't like this Sapnap guy. Sure he was fun when we played minecraft together but in real life? I don't know, i just don't get a good vibe from him, could just be me but i have a bad feeling about this guy. I wasn't gonna take my eyes off him for a single second, except maybe to watch the movie, or sleep or something.

Sleep is a lot more important than spying on people i can tell you that, at least to me anyway.

Sleep has got to be one of, if not, my favourite things to do in literally the entire world, except playing minecraft with Bad. Or just anything in general with Bad. He's a big softie and i'd do literally anything for him, this is the best friendship i've ever had and i don't plan on it breaking anytime soon.

Speaking of which, i looked over at Had and i could just tell he was sleepy already, he could barely even keep his eyes open. I swear if this became a routine then Dream would be freaking hulk by the end of this.

I nudged Dream and gestured for him to look over at Bad and i could see him instantly melt just at the sight of it.


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