rip ;-;

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"Yeah, it really is."

George's POV
So i arrived in Florida early this morning, we all spent the day at the beach and it wasn't anything that took too much energy so i was alright with it. I was super jetlagged though so i wanted to sleep fairly soon, i was yawning practically every five seconds and it was starting to annoy me really.

We all packed up and headed back, the group splitting two ways. Sapnap stayed with me and Dream and went back to Clays whilst Zak and Darryl went back to Bads. As soon as we walked into the house i laid down on the couch and closed my eyes, an arm draped across my face.

I got up a a few minutes later though so i could change into some pjs and take my shoes off at the very least, Sapnap was in the guest bedroom and Dream just stayed in his room. It'd be rude to kick him out of his own bedroom after all. I was fine with sleeping on the couch anyway, it was way comfier than mine too.

I was the first to wake up in the morning, or at least i figured i was because i couldn't hear anyone else moving about at all. I quickly got dressed whilst no one was around and quietly made my way out the front door to sit outside.

I liked the outdoors. Especially this early in the morning when there was barely anyone around. I could just see the sun peeking over the horizon and i could hear the subtle chirping of the birds in the trees, everything was so soft and calming Thats why it scared the crap out of me when i heard the door open behind me.

I spun round at lightning speed only to see Dream looking down at me confusedly, i could see him trying not to laugh though. Dickhead.

Dream- "What are you even doing out here George? It's so early!"
George- "Well i didn't want to wake either of you two up so i just came out here, it's nice and quiet when you lot aren't just parading around and shouting at the tops of your voices"
Dream- "You're one to talk. You scream like a girl in most of our recordings"

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him. Sure he was right but he does the same so he can't say much for himself. I was wondering how Sapnap hadn't woken up yet though, it must be at least nine now and, as far as i knew, he wasn't that heavy of a sleeper. Who cares anyway, let the guy get his sleep.

Dream really does annoy me sometimes. He's a real douche. Other than that though he's pretty fun, cool guy to be around. Honestly this guy is 75% pure spite in human form.

Other than that it is pretty bleak not being around him, he can make any situation lighthearted. It's a good trait of his, he's able to make literally almost anybodies day better just doing... well, doing what he does i guess.

Dream's POV
I looked back down at the older boy and noticed him completely lost in thought, though he did have a soft smile lingering on his face. He looked happy so i just left him with whatever he was thinking about.

I went back indoors to see a sleepy Nick emerging from the guest room rubbing his eyes. He mumbled a good morning, me nodding back in response and giving him a silent smile. There was a silence hanging in the air but it wasn't uncomfortable, just one of those where you can sense that everyone and everything is okay. It's amazing to feel that, don't get it very often.

He made his way over to the kitchen and i let him do his thing, me getting properly dressed before coming back and seeing both George and Nick sat on the couch, both were looking at Nicks phone. They were probably watching some dumb videos on Twitter or something, at least that's what Nick likes to do most of the time.

I grabbed my phone to see a couple messages from Zak and Darryl, opening them and reading them.

'Hey Bad told me to text you and tell you to get your ass over here, he's getting in a strop lmao'

Well, i'm sure Bad didn't use those exact words but yknow, and the the thought of him throwing a tantrum is kinda adorable not gonna lie. He really does have the attitude of a child. I then went to his message.

'Hey when you see this why don't you and the other two muffins come round mine? I have something planned for today that i think you'd all like, it seems like something that you'd really enjoy too'

He sent that about half an hour ago so i told the other two and Nick went to get dressed whilst me and George stood around joking about random things, mainly jokes from our recordings.

Nick finally came back, wearing his own merch cause... well it's Sapnap what do you expect, and we all headed over to Darryls. We chatted the entire walk there about random things and contemplating what Bad would have planned for today since he refused to tel me when i asked him. He must want to keep it a secret for some reason then.

We got to his house and knocked on the door, it opening almost instantly to reveal an obviously overexcited man wearing a red and black hoodie. What is it with these guys and wearing their own merch? It suits him though, i'm not complaining.

'You're here! That means we can leave!'

If love isn't a game then why are we here? (badboybalo x dream)Where stories live. Discover now