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Bad- "We're going to find Skeppy. Now."

Sapnap's POV
I was protesting bitterly as the two tried their best to drag me away from the panda programme, i wanted to watch them. Pandas are honestly adorable and i'd give anything to go to a zoo right this minute and see them in person but apparently we had to go find stupid Zak for some reason.

He left by himself so why do we have to go rescue him. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind when we find him, of Bad doesn't first, he looked like he was about to start stabbing shit. Like he genuinely had the face of a serial killer and that's terrifying when it comes to Bad, he's NEVER angry.

Sapnap- "So why do we even need to find Skeppy anyways?"
George- "Yeah i have no clue. Bad?"
Bad- "I need to sort some things out with him. That's all"

I gulped and turned my attention back forwards. Whatever Skeppy did must've been bad, i've never seen Darryl like this before. He was always so lighthearted and jokey but now? Jesus he was cold blooded.

George seemed just as scared as me cause he shut up as well. We weren't sure where we were going but Bad seemed to know exactly where, his pace was quick and me and George could barely keep up with him without jogging. 

We rounded the corner and a peak came into view, a man sat on the swings swaying back and forth gently and, as we came closer, I realised that the man was in fact Zak. Oh my God. The look of pure terror that crossed his face when he saw Bad. He must've done something truly upsetting.

He instantly jumped off of the swings and grabbed his bag, flinging it over his shoulder and trying to run away. Bad had other ideas, sprinting after him and catching up to him quite quickly, tackling him to the ground and pinning one of his arms behind his back like you'd see in some random action movie. Me and George practically had to drag Bad off of Skeppy so he wasn't hurt.

Skeppy- "Jesus Christ Bad! What are you trying to kill me or something?"
Bad- "That would suffice."

Bad's tone was so cold and monotone that i seriously believed he was going to kill him for a moment. His eyes were dark too, considering they're normally green and now they were almost black- This dude has to be a demon or some shit. I mean with the merch he was wearing and all that i guess he kinda matched his minecraft skin, and well i'm pretty sure that things a demon so-

Sapnap- "Uh, Bad, no. no ones getting killed."
Bad- "Fine."
Skeppy- "Holy shit dude what do you want?"
Bad- "well judging by the fact you tried to run away i would've assumed you'd know, you wouldn't have just ran away from me for no reason now would you?"

There was no way the dude was getting out of this one, he'd backed himself into an alley with no way out now. I knew either me or George would have to step in soon or someone was gonna get hurt. The fact that Bad already had his fists clenched and that Zak was cowering told me that Bad was most likely going to win the fight.

George- "Uh guys, i think we need to calm down."
Skeppy- "Yeah! that sounds like a great idea! why don't we all just go back home and we can talk things out there haha no need for violence don't hurt me Bad please i'm sorry"

Jesus, Zak was speaking so quickly he almost turned into Tommy when he's angry.

Skeppy's POV
I know this time i've fucked up. Not even like other times when i've messed up, this time was REALLY bad. I've never seen Darryl look so angry. If Nick and George weren't there then i don't even know what he would've done to me.

My arm still hurt like hell and there's no doubt he would've broken it if he wasn't pulled away.

I was silent the entire walk home, i could feel their eyes on me and honestly it freaked me out. I knew that Sapnap and George were clueless to the situation but i'm sure that if Bad started explaining things then things were only going to get progressively worse. I pulled my hood up and pulled on my hoodie drawstrings so i could at least hide away a little bit. I didn't like having that much attention on me really, it makes me uncomfortable.

When we finally got back i just sat in the couch staring at the floor, i couldn't bear to look at any of them. I was shaking so badly i bet they could see it.

I felt someone sit next to me and judging by the fact that i wasn't getting battered i kinda figured it wasn't Darryl. Oh god. How was i ever going to get him to forgive me? I'd have to stay at Dream's house for a little while if he was okay with it... but wait. Oh, that's right. He probably won't be too holy with me either. I was fucked.

Bad- "So, Zak, would you like to explain to these two why we're having to have this talk right now?"

I shook my head, knowing that if i said even a single word i'd most likely just break down crying in front of all of them and i didn't want that to happen. Bad knew i was pretty sensitive too so hopefully he wouldn't push too hard.

Bad- "Would you rather i explained it to them then?"

I nodded.

Bad- "So basically, i'm sure you two know this by now, he got a video of me and Dream... well, kissing. I specifically told this muffin NOT to post it anywhere, so did Dream, and what did he do? He posted it to gosh darn Twitter!"
Sapnap- "Wait, he what?"
Bad- "Yep."

I just closed my eyes and tried to block out the conversation completely, they were all gonna hate me. This was bad. Very bad.

George's POV
You could just tell that Skeppy didn't want to be here, his gaze was fixated on the floor and he was shaking so badly that i could practically feel it where i was sat next to him.

I wrapped my arm round him and felt him flinching, instantly looking up and relaxing when he saw it was only me. I pulled him close and just hugged him, i knew that he needed it.

Yeah sure he was in the wrong but who would i be if i just stood around and watched his anxiety skyrocketing without even trying to help. Poor guy was obviously really worried, he'd been friends with Bad for years and i was sure he didn't want to kiss that friendship no matter what. Him and Bad stuck together like superglue most of the time, it was the perfect friendship... until now.

I just hope this got solved soon cause i couldn't bare to watch people fight, and to see Bad so angry was terrifying. I felt line if anyone tried to intervene then they'd get a knock to the face.

That's a scary thought when he's normally the person to stop fighting.

Skeppy- "I'm sorry Bad"

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