Campfire :)

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'You're here! That means we can leave!"

Skeppy's POV
I could hear Bad's shrill tone even from three rooms across so of course i assumed the other three had gotten here. Bad had something planned for us to do but he wouldn't tell me anything, i'd assume he's the only one that knows what we're doing then but he might've told Dream, how was i meant to know?

Suddenly he ran into the room and grabbed me by my arm, dragging me out the door and bringing me face to face with Dream, George and Sapnap. I sighed and waited for him to let go of my arm so we could start walking to wherever it was that we were going.

Turns out that after twenty minutes of walking Darryl had taken us the wrong way and we had to go back again, trust him. So we set off on our way again and this time we actually went the right way, we walked for ages and ages and i was starting to get bored, as you would when you're walking for hours in silence. He literally led us into the woods. We were surrounded with nothing but trees, brown and green everywhere. It was dull.

Bet it was worse for George.

So we got to some sort of clearing that had a pit in the middle, Bad brought out a lighter and started picking up a bunch of sticks so i did the same, the others just stood around watching us. I didn't even know why we were collecting sticks in the first place if i'm honest but yknow.

I handed Bad my pile of sticks when he thought we had enough and he chucked them into the pit looking thing. He then brought out a match and lit it, chucking the match on top of the pile of sticks and setting them alight. Epic. I love fire.

So i assumed we were just gonna hang here for a while, there was a fire after all and it's not like Bad to just light a fire and leave. I sat on a log and watched as Bad went and sat over on a different log with Dream. I caught Dreams attention and gave him the look, him blushing slightly and turning away. Yeah he definitely liked Bad. That was cute as heck not gonna lie, not to mention that Dream is NEVER shy. Like ever.

They'd be adorable together.

I could even see Dream silently inching closer to Bad, obviously trying to be discreet. As long as Bad's happy then i'm gonna do whatever i can you keep it that way, that's what friends are for.

I brought out my phone and i was about to start texting Bad to see if i could get any extra info out of him when i realised we were in the woods. I had no signal whatsoever. Yeah i was a little pissed but who can i blame? Bloody Mother Nature? Didn't think so.

Dream's POV
Me and Bad were sat together on a log by the fire and, once i'd figured i was close enough, i nervously put my arm around his shoulder and let myself lean against him a slight bit. I could feel him jump next to me and i think his breathing hitched for a minute but he soon relaxed which calmed me down.

I was glad that he liked me back, although i was too much of a pussy to tell him i liked him back it meant that at least i had confirmation that our friendship wouldn't be ruined. That was the best feeling ever.

Well, the best feeling other than having him right next to me. Sounds cheesy, i know, but it's true. He made me happy and i loved that, he could always manage to boost anyone's mood, it's amazing.

Putting all of that aside i noticed Sapnap slinging a bad off his shoulders, pulling out a couple bottles of water and... marshmallows? I thought no one even knew where we were going? Sapnap is a strange guy, even Bad looked surprised. Does this dude just carry marshmallows around with him everywhere he goes?

Eh, i'm not complaining.

Sapnap- "So, uh, i don't have any skewers but if anyone wants any marshmallows you can... i don't know, grab a stick or something. That's what i'm gonna do"

Yeah trust Sapnap not to have the skewers. This guy is only ever half prepared for anything i swear.

Skeppy- "Just one question Sap, why do you have marshmallows in the first place?"
Sapnap- "Uh, not sure really, probably for convenience"
Skeppy- "Conveni-? What are you even taking about?"
Sapnap- "Nothing, nothing."

I could see Skeppy giving Sapnap a strange look, most likely confused. I think we all were to be honest. Either way most of us took a marshmallow or two and found ourselves some sticks. I think the only person who didn't was George. I wasn't sure whether he didn't like marshmallows, didn't like the fact Sapnap 'conveniently' had them with him or because he didn't want to eat them off a stick.

Why was i reading into this so much anyway? Eh. who knows.

Sapnap's POV
So you might be asking why and how i have marshmallows. Well you see, i'm not exactly sure myself, i don't even remember bringing thus backpack with me if i'm completely honest. Not sure whether it was subconscious or what but i have no memory of this.

I wasn't gonna dwell on it though, free marshmallows my dude.

No one can say no to free marshmallows. Unless you don't like them of course, that better be George's reason he didn't take any or we're gonna have a problem.

Haha just kidding.


Nah i won't fight him. For now at least. But later maybe. Who am i kidding, i'm Sapnap, of course i'm gonna fight with George. It's natural instinct by now surely. Just the sight of him fills me with pure, unbridled rage.

Ha gotcha.

We good, i'm not gonna fight the colourblind dude.

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