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- Royal Hospital -

"A-Zhan, are you alright now?" Jiang Yanli ask softly as she touch Xiao Zhan's cheek

"A-Jie, I'm just alright. Don't worry much about me" Xiao Zhan smiles

"How can I'm not worry about you? You passed out because of your sickness attacked you again" Yanli sighs

"A-Jie, I'll be fine" Xiao Zhan reassuring his older sister who is the head of doctor in the royal hospital

"You are not fine Xiao Zhan" Wei Wuxian shake his head and sit on the edge of Zhan's hospital bed

"A-Xian, where were you? You just come here" Yanli smile

Wei Wuxian and Xiao Zhan is twins. Both of them always together, most of the time Wei Wuxian would protect or look after Xiao Zhan. Both of them very much looks alike but the difference only by hairs colour. Wei Wuxian dye his hair red colour while Xiao Zhan with natural black colour. People will confuse if they go out together, so Wei Wuxian choose not go. Only put trust in Wen Ning, his helper and right man

"Wen Ning told me that something happened so I need to go for awhile. But I'm back now A-Jie" Wei Wuxian smile

"Alright, now look after A-Zhan. A-Jie needs to go, A-Jie needs to attend other patients for awhile" Yanli smile

"Will do A-Jie. Don't worry, I can protect this sick kid" Wei Wuxian said, grinning while pointing at Xiao Zhan

Yanli nods her head and left the VIP room. Only left Wei Wuxian and Xiao Zhan in the room. Wei Wuxian stand up and go find something to eat. He can't be more glad that VIP hospital room look just like a fancy apartment. He proceed open the fridge and get some apple

"A-Zhan, are you hungry?" he ask his twin that younger than him for 5 minutes

"No A-Ying, I'm not hungry. You can just eat. I want to get sleep for awhile" Xiao Zhan smile and slowly close his eyes

Wei Wuxian blinks his eyes and confuse. What happened to his twin? Did Jiang Cheng scold Xiao Zhan again? He mentally sigh and decide to find Jiang Cheng

He open the door and greet by Wen Ning who been waiting for him outside

"A-Ning, you wait here. I want to find Jiang Cheng. Xiao Zhan is sleeping right now. Make sure don't let anyone to go in unless it's the nurse" Wei Wuxian tells Wen Ning

"Rest assure sir" Wen Ning lower his head, obey Wei Wuxian

"How many times do I need to tell you Wen Ning? Don't call me sir. I'm not your boss or something, you are my best friend. Just call me Wuxian" Wei Wuxian sighs and bites onto the apple

Wen Ning nods his head. He just not used to call Wei Wuxian by his name. He used to call him "sir"

Wei Wuxian pats Wen Ning shoulder and left Wen Ning alone to find Jiang Cheng in his office room

"Jiang Cheng-" he calls out as he open Jiang Cheng's office door but Jiang Cheng is attending a patient there

"What? Can't you see I'm attending a patient here Wei Wuxian? Now tell me or go away unless it's about Xiao Zhan" Jiang Cheng hiss and roll his eyes

"I'm just wondering why A-Zhan looks so gloomy today? Did you scold my twin?" Wei Wuxian glares at the male doctor

"I scolded him because of his carelessness" Jiang Cheng sigh

"I am dissapointed" Wei Wuxian glare and slam the door close, startling Jiang Cheng and the patient

"I'm sorry about my brother's behavior, he's just not in the mood cause I scolded his twin" Jiang Cheng apologize

"It's fine doctor Jiang, as if my brother he's not like others. He just quiet and tsundere. I miss the playful Yibo" Prince Haikuan smile and shake his head


"Just call me Haikuan, we are alone here. But you must call me by title if in public" Haikuan smile

"A- alright then.. may I know what's the problem? You want to see me" Jiang Cheng awkwardly ask

"It's just my younger brother. He wants to meet someone that he always dream every night. I don't who is he talking about but your brother seems match to the person. Only different hair colour"

Jiang Cheng widening his eyes, how can Prince Yibo wants to meet his brother? Which brother?!

"Then.. what is the hair colour then..?" Jiang Cheng ask

"He told me the person is black hair but your brother's hair is red colour" Haikuan smile

"Ah.. yes.. his hair is red colour.. but I think I know who it is.." Jiang Cheng smile awkwardly

"Can you tell me?" Haikuan ask politely, hope visible in his eyes

"I can tell you but please don't tell Prince Yibo yet.. The one he wants to meet is Wei Wuxian's twin brother, Xiao Zhan.. but now Xiao Zhan is sick.." Jiang Cheng sighs

"Why he is sick?" Haikuan ask, concern

"Because of his disease suddenly attacked him today. Now is resting in his ward room" Jiang Cheng shake his head, feel hopeless

"He always been sick since he was a kid. He is weak, weaker than his twin brother, Wei Wuxian. People said if one of the twins gets sick often means the older or younger is stronger. Lastly die" Jiang Cheng frown

"But I don't believe it. Base in science culture, Xiao Zhan is suffering from leukemia, lack of white blood"

"Is there any way can heal Xiao Zhan?" Haikuan ask

"Yes, the therapy for leukemia but Xiao Zhan refuses it since its so painful and burn his skin" Jiang Cheng sighs

"Day by day he make my sister, Yanli feel scare and sad with his condition. Our father make him stay in the hospital penthouse in case anything happens to him we can right away treat him"

"He sounds so fragile to me. Need protect by someone" Haikuan sigh softly

"Already did" Jiang Cheng nods


"Wei Wuxian, he can protect Zhan but also dangerous to Zhan.. I don't know who can protect and take care of Zhan" Jiang Cheng sigh

"And our father wants to send Wuxian to Japan for medical education there. He surprising agree to that and will on abroad next week, maybe because he know something is up" Jiang Cheng add again

"If Wuxian go to Japan for his study, then who will look after Zhan when you are working?" Haikuan ask

"I don't know yet"

"Maybe I could ask Yibo for help. If he want to take care of Xiao Zhan I will let you know" Haikuan smile

"But it will burdening the prince" Jiang Cheng hesitate

"Don't worry doctor Jiang" Haikuan smile

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