• Seven •

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- Royal Palace -

"Dad, you know it's uncle Zhan right? Why you don't make any moves? Like helping him? Who knows dad can change uncle Zhan's mind to get a treatment" Fanxing sighs

"I don't want to scare him, let him be comfortable with me first" Yibo answer and left Fanxing alone in the living room, to his office on the third floor

"Dad is confusing me sometimes" Fanxing mumbles and drag himself to the dining room

"Fanxing? Long time no see" a voice startling him, he turn around and gasps

"Justin? Huang Ming Hao? What are you doing here? I thought you will be always in Wenzhou" Fanxing chuckle

"Justin? Huang Ming Hao? What are you doing here? I thought you will be always in Wenzhou" Fanxing chuckle

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Justin Huang Ming Hao is Fanxing's cousin who live in Wenzhou. His mother is Wang Haikuan and Wang Yibo's cousin

"I come here to visit, mom and dad on their business trip. If I don't come here, I'll be all alone" Justin pouts

"Did you meet my dad?" Fanxing ask as he settle down on the chair at the dining table

"Your dad? Nah, I don't see him yet but I've bumped into uncle Haikuan" Justin shrugs and sit in front of Fanxing

"Do you want to know a story Justin?" Fanxing ask, smiling

"Sure!" Justin nods his head, excited

"There's a guy.. who live behind those walls, completely hidden from everyone well, only his siblings and certain people could go visit him.. he is so lonely and sad. He always alone, spending his time alone if his siblings or nephew are busy with their own works. He always smiling.., telling that he is fine but his body and eyes tells otherwise. He is sick. No one really can persuade him to get a treatment which make his family worry about him.." Fanxing sigh and shake his head

"Well.. Do you know who is this guy?" Justin ask, tilting his head

"I know him" Fanxing nods his head

"I think I heard this story before.. someone told.. I think it was Zhengting ge the one who told me! He told me cause it is his older cousin's story.. maybe more like life?" Justin shrugs

"Zhengting as for Zhu Zhengting?" Fanxing ask

"Yes, it's Zhu Zhengting.. My friend" Justin smile, nodding his head

"He maybe related to uncle Zhan then" Fanxing smile

"Can we go visit him one day?" Justin ask, with hopes visible in his eyes

"Uh.. sure! But not now. Uncle Zhan needs to rest"

Justin nods his head and heave a sigh. He is just wondering why uncle Zhan doesn't want to get treatment? He know the treatment could be so painful, but there's must have another reason right?


- Royal Hospital -

"A-Zhan?" Yanli calls out softly

"A-Jie? Do you need anything?" Xiao Zhan ask with a smile

"No.. It's just.. Can you reconsider about your treatment? Just don't give up Zhan. We still want you to be alive" Yanli sigh

"A-Jie.. about this.. I'm still considering it again.." Xiao Zhan smile

"A-Zhan.. you still can be cure.. me and A-Cheng can cure you.. "

"I know A-Jie.. I know.. but please give me time? I know this illness will get worst if I don't cure it.. I just need time" Xiao Zhan plead

Yanli sigh and nods her head. She understand Xiao Zhan, she just doesn't want him to left them without saying any goodbye. It can happen anytime but she's hoping for miracle

Suddenly Xiao Zhan nose bleed. Yanli who notice it immediately bring the younger to his room

"A-Zhan.. just rest okay? You will always get nosebleed.. It might be hard to stop it but you must tell A-Jie okay?" Yanli sigh and give Xiao Zhan a clean towel

"Don't worry A-Jie.. This always happens to me.. but this time I don't know why the blood always hard to stop" Xiao Zhan sigh

His nosebleed isn't normal either, it will take half an hour to stop or worst it will take 1 hour. And that time he sure he need to face Jiang Cheng for a treatment and get scold

"I think you need chemotherapy but you refuse it" Yanli sigh

Xiao Zhan feel sorry for making his sister worry about him. He refuse to do chemotherapy cause of the pain and his sensitive skin. He get bruise easily so he need to be so be careful with whatever he do

"A-Zhan, you need to rest or maybe sleep" Yanli smile

"How about this nosebleed?"

"Just lay down, it will automatically stop.. so don't move around"

Xiao Zhan nods and carefully lay on the bed, with a towel cover his nose. Heck, even that towel almost full of blood now

"I prepare extra towel here Zhan. Just use this towel if the current towel full of the blood" Yanli said and put two new clean towel on the bed, beside Xiao Zhan

"Okay jie" he nods

Yanli left Xiao Zhan alone in the room and feel really sad. How can she cure her own brother? Not in history that leukimia can be cure. She know chemotherapy can make it worst for Zhan but she just want to try, who knows Zhan can be cure but the chance just 20%

"I'm sorry Zhan, you need to suffer like this" she mumbles and cover her eyes with her hands palm


"I can't do anything.. Do I need traditional treatment? But where..? How..? I can't go out from this hospital like before" Xiao Zhan sigh

He shake his head and feel hopeless. He decide to sleep for awhile before Jin Ling come back from school, if the young boy come back means no rest for him cause the younger is hyperactive and cheerful

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