• Six •

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- Royal Hospital -

"Dad, you can go back first if you doesn't want to wait for me.. " Fanxing smile

"No, today is off day.. dad can follow you" Yibo shrugs and put his hands in his jean pocket

Fanxing mentally faceplaming himself, no wonder his dad wants to bring him to hospital today. It's his off day

"Where do you want to go anyway?" Yibo ask

"I... I... I want to meet someone" Fanxing feel hesitate to tell his own dad about uncle Zhan after his uncle Haikuan told him yesterday


"Uhh.. dad, you can follow me.. if you want to know who.. " Fanxing mentally scream, why he let his dad to come with him?! Wrong move Fanxing! Wrong move!

"Okay, lead the way"

Fanxing bring Yibo to a room with number 1005 on the door plate. It's Xiao Zhan's room

Fanxing knocks on the door but got no response. He heave a sigh and take out his phone, trying to reach Xiao Zhan

"Fanxing?" a voice call his name, he freeze on his spot. That moment he know he is finish, very finish

"Uncle... uncle Zhan?" he turn around and immediately hug his dad so that Yibo doesn't turn around too

"Fanxing.. why are you here?" Xiao Zhan ask, chuckling

"Son, you can let go of me please?" Yibo ask, puzzle by Fanxing's action

Fanxing let go of Yibo with hesitation but he can't embarrass his dad infront of Xiao Zhan

"Uncle Zhan, I come here to visit you" Fanxing smile

"Okay then, I don't feel really lonely anymore" Xiao Zhan smile

Xiao Zhan walk pass them and open his door room. He let Fanxing in, but he also notice another guy with the boy today. He shrugs it off and try to act normal

"Who is that?" Yibo ask, whispering

"Uncle Zhan" Fanxing whisper back and take off his shoes

"Fanxing, mind to introduce me to him?" Xiao Zhan ask as he put down his drawing book on the dining table

"Oh.. yeah.. he is my dad.. Prince Yibo" Fanxing chuckle awkwardly

Xiao Zhan almost choke on his saliva. A prince?! Xiao Zhan immediately turn around, and facing Fanxing and the prince

The moment Xiao Zhan facing them, Yibo's world stop. Xiao Zhan is the one who he always dream of! Every night, asking for help

"I'm so sorry prince! I don't know it's is you. Please forgive me" Xiao Zhan apologize

"It's.. It's fine" Yibo response

"Come on.. don't just stand there" Xiao Zhan awkwardly chuckle

Fanxing nods and drag his dad with him to the sofa. He mentally sigh, he will face his uncle Haikuan soon. Real soon

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