7: Away

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Three months before the Cup and I'm almost drained. I talked to Lisie but she's not letting a day go to waste. One day, I decided to go to the garden to hide to avoid the training. When I was passing the staircase, I heard Lisie asking Alex if he knows where I am so I had to take another route to the garden. I slept there for a minute. I opened my eyes and saw Daniel watching me.

"Hey, sleepyhead." He greeted happily. I panicked of course, his blood lust might trigger any moment now.

"Don't worry, I can now control it." He said and suddenly, I can feel the dark aura in him. His eyes turned red and his face looked like he wants to kill me, again.

Unfortunately, he couldn't. His hands that turned into claws slashed me, wounding my arm. I was pushed back.

No, I'm not scared, I thought. I walked closer to him and luckily, I was able to put my hand in his cheek. I let him feel my hand and suddenly, his blood lust disappeared. "I—I'm sorry I hurt you, I thought I could control it... I did it last night... I—" He said, a teardrop rolled down his cheek. I hugged him. "It's okay..." I said.

He kissed me, a soft passionate kiss. "Cassandra?" We let go of each other and saw Alex and Lisie looking straight at us in disbelief.

I thought Lisie's okay with it, apparently she's not. She got angry because I ditched training. She also thinks Daniel will ruin our plan because he is a Nerida. She admitted that at first she found it cute but when we decided to make a pact that all of us will give our best and focus in our plan, she thought I'll forget about my feelings for Daniel, but I didn't. I let it get in the way, she said.

Alex? Well, he's mad because he kept reminding me before to stay away and yet I didn't. I told him that I can stop Daniel's blood lust but this made him angrier. Great! Two of my best friends hate me.

Next day was worse. They aren't talking to me. Apparently, Lisie convinced Franco and Chloe to avoid me; maybe she wants me to learn my lesson. Jessie? I haven't seen him so I decided to look for him before first period.

I saw him with Alex on the hallway. I was about to approach them but unfortunately, I heard something that stopped me from getting any closer.

"I said make her fall in love with you!" Alex said angrily.

"I tried! I didn't know he has a thing with Daniel." Jessie answered back. What?

"I told you to do everything!" Alex said. "I did! I studied with her, I ate with her, I even asked her on a road trip, I told Franco to bring his car so I could have her alone. I did everything Alex!" Jessie said in a much louder tone.

Unfortunately, Alex saw me. I was dumbfounded. I felt a teardrop falling on my cheek. "Cass!" He called but I ran away, as fast as I could. I lost him and the only place I know where he couldn't find me is in the forest so I headed straight there. I walked and walked and walked and walked. I realized I left my phone in my room. I continued walking until I realized it's already sun down. I decided to stay at a coffee shop that night, good thing the people there were friendly.

Suddenly, there was a stinging pain on my arm that woke me up from a wondrous sleep. A Lobo is burying its fangs on my right arm. I noticed that all the people in the coffee shop had disappeared. I forced it away from me but another one shot its fangs right at my back. It was more painful than the first one.

[Third person point of view]

She heard about them from one of our classes. Lobos are killer hounds that drink blood from a person in order to become one and in that moment, they were drinking hers. She was surrounded by five Lobos and she couldn't handle all. Whenever she kills one another one comes in. It was an unending cycle until she grew tired. Two Lobos successfully buried their fangs and started drinking her blood that immediately made her unconscious and for the first time of the night, she hoped for her friends to appear out of nowhere, like some kind of heroes you see on movies.

"Take her, she has a very special blood in her."

Cassandra - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now