Chapter 1 - The Massacre of the Royal Family

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     Nerine held her breath in the small bunker as she tried to keep her tears from falling. The castle alarms have been sounded. Maids, servants and knights alike were in panic. The unknown danger made Nerine paralyzed in fear.

     Nerine was asked to stay in the bunker by the king and queen as they went to find out who attacked the palace and subdue them. She couldn't help but worry what would happen to them. It was cold, dark and scary in the bunker. Nerine couldn't stop trembling as her eyes filled with hot tears. She stifled a cry and covered her mouth whenever there were screams and shouts outside.

     Blades clashed and blood was spluttered. The rebels were using guns instead of swords and arrows. The coup d'état was lead by one of the most powerful dukes in the kingdom, Edward Lennon. Duke Lennon raised armies who are ready to die for him to be king. He was one of the youngest dukes in the kingdom but he was also the deadliest.

     The throne room that was filled with gold and silver furniture was now drenched in scarlet blood of the soldiers who failed to stop the blood thirsty rebels.

"Protect the king and queen!" the soldiers cried as they sheathed their swords and lunged towards the rebels.

     Duke Lennon casually pulled the trigger of his gun and shot soldier after soldier. Screams and shouts were heard before a loud thump as the soldiers' bodies decorated the castle floors with red.

"Ouch!" Duke Lennon screamed as he saw the castle's puppy bit him in the leg. The cute white puppy snarled at him and refused to let go.

"Filthy little thing." Duke Lennon pointed the gun at the small white puppy and pulled the trigger.

Bang! The bullet penetrated the puppy's skull.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

     Duke Lennon ruthlessly shot the puppy's body until it became riddled with holes. The blood flooded out as the puppy's green eyes rolled back.

"Dirty animal." Duke Lennon sneered as he snapped his fingers to get the attendant to tend to his wounds.


"Nerine." The queen softly cooed as she opened the bunker and let light in.

     Nerine was covered in sweat from head to toe. She was relieved and she cried her heart out and threw her arms around her mother's neck.

"Mommy! Please don't leave me! I don't like it here! I want to go to my bed!"

"Shhh, it's okay baby I'll come back for you. I promise. Stay quiet like before, I brought you snacks and drinks in case you might be hungry. I love you so much sweetie."

"Waaahh! Mommy don't leave me! You can't do this to me!"

"Shhh, meet us here," the queen gave her a letter "tomorrow okay?"

    Nerine sniffled and cried "I don't want to! I want to see you now! Take me with you! It's scary! I'm scared!"

     Nerine buried her head on her mother's bosom as her tears and snout dripped down her magnificent dress. The queen gave Nerine a tight hug before peeling her off. She pushed Nerine into the darkness. She closed the bunker and placed the bookcase to conceal it. She opened the door and ran.


      The king and the crown prince, Ashton Beaumont walked in the palace's underground tunnel. The tunnel was built as an escape route for the royal family. Only the royal family knows its existence. The end of the tunnel leads to a nearby village where horses were waiting for them. They had to preserve the royal bloodline.

     The crown prince was having an internal struggle; he didn't want to see his people slaughtered left and right. They had no choice, no adequate weapons to combat the rebel forces with their guns. Ashton was the next ruler of the nation yet he felt he was the most useless person in the world.

     The queen had bought time for them to escape, purposely stayed behind to distract the rebels to aid them. Ashton clenched his fists as his resolve strengthened. As long as they escape, it will be worth it.

"Mother's death will not be in vain" Ashton thought

     Ashton and the king quickened their steps as light slowly peeked through the tunnel. Ashton was filled with glee as they have arrived safely. The king went out first, and Ashton pushed himself up to welcome the village's fresh air. He would not waste this second opportunity.

"I would get revenge on Duke Edward Lennon! That b&*%$!" He swore an oath to the heavens.

    The king and Ashton walked towards the village's stables. They opened the door and went inside. The hay was a mess and no horses were seen in the stable. They walked around to see if there were horses left as promised.


Something dripped on Ashton's shoulder.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

    He waved his hand on his shoulder to wipe whatever dripped on him. Ashton jumped back in fright as he saw his finger had red droplets. He looked around and saw nothing.

     He looked up and saw the horses were strung up in the ceiling; their bodies were covered in barbed wire as they slowly die.

"What the-!" Ashton screamed as he covered his mouth to push back the vile rising in his throat. The odor was pungent and the smell of blood lay thickly in the air.

"Let's get out of here right now!" Ashton screamed at the king.

     The door slammed with a thud. Rebels hopped out of the stable stalls and surrounded them. The light of hope in Ashton and king's eyes vanished. The Beaumont royal family will be dead by tomorrow. 

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