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Hey. It's me, Taylor. I got engaged. Last night. Well, the night is not over yet but technically it was yesterday. All my friends were there and Joe made it so special. It's about 2 am. Lots of champagne has been drunk and many many shots have been taken. You know that feeling when you thought you couldn't love a person more but then you do? That's exactly how I feel. I have never never felt like this before. This happy. This free. This drunk.

"Hey future wife", someone whispers in my ear from behind. He hugs me tight.

"Hey future husband", I answer closing my eyes,just enjoying the moment.

He takes is warm hand and soft and slowly strokes my hair behind my ear.

"I love you", he whispers so quietly that I almost can't hear it. He slowly kisses my neck and I can feel his hot breath that gives me chills all over my body. Damn.
I turn around and look him in the eyes. I look down at his lips and then back up in his eyes. I move closer to him, as close as I can. I put my face closer to his, my lips closer so they almost touch. He leans forward but I move to his ear.

"Stop teasing me or it's about to get dirty", I say with a flirty but serious tone.

He moves forward and presses me against the pool house wall.

"Is it?"

Dang. He so hot. Like... Ugh.. I want him right know but there's like a tone of people here.

"Shut up you silly", I laugh trying to cover up how extremely turned on I am right now.
He smirks at me pushing me harder against the wall.

"Make me."

Fuck. This is so cliche but fuck. I put my hand in his hair and pull it as hard as I can. He moans loud but I think nobody heard it because of the music.

"Say again?", I say fully knowing that this made him crazy.

I turn around so he leans against the wall now.

"Guess it's my turn now", I say as I take the control. I put my face close to his' again but not actually kissing him. That drives him crazy I know it.

"You wanna play, huh?", he grabs my waist with one hand and puts the other one on my neck holding it tight so I can't move.

He pulls my face closer and closer. As he finally kisses me, I feel like my heart is exploding. He then bits my lower lip which causes me to moan passionately. I'm about to kiss him again when someone interrupts.

"Woah... You guys really can't keep your hands to yourself huh?"

Joe moves his hand away from my neck down to my waist. All three of us laugh at the lyrical reference Selena just made.

"I didn't want to interrupt you guys... In.. Whatever... You were..... Doing, I just wanted to let you know that Abigail wants to say goodbye soo.."

"Thank you for telling me. I will join you guys in a second."

Selena leaves with a smirk on her face. God knows what she's telling my friends and family now.

"A second... Do you think that is enough?", he smirks moving his lips to my neck and his hand down my back.
I enjoy this moment for another 5 seconds until I push him back.

"We really need to go to the others again. But we will continue later..."

He takes my hand and we walk back to the others that are sitting together in front of the stage enjoying each other company, talking, and laughing together.

"Look who's back", Katy teases us.
I look over to Katy slightly embarrassed but definitely too drunk to even care.

Abigail stands up from her seat to come over and say goodbye.

"You're already leaving?"

"I have to sadly. Matt is not in the states right now and I only hired the babysitter until 3."

"Well, Thank you so much for coming and celebrating with us."

"Thank you for coming and helping me Abigail", Joe says pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you for having me and letting me help."
She smiles as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"He's the one", I whisper into her ear.

"It's the perfect love story. I'm glad you said yes."

"Thank you for helping with everything."

"Of course. I would do everything for you."

"I know", I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and wave at her one last time before she disappeares.

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