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As soon as I can't see her no more, I turn back to the others.
Joe is standing right behind me. I can feel his warm breath in my neck.

"You want another drink?"

"Mmmm", I simply answer, looking at the other and smiling. That's the only thing I can say right now because I can't stop thinking about what happend at the pool house.

"What do you want?"

"What I want? I could show you want...", I reply so quiet that only he can hear it.

"What kind of drink?"

I turn around and face him with the biggest smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"You make me so happy. More than you could ever imagine. And I'm soo horny that I just want you to f....", he shuts my mouth with his hand quickly.
"I will... Later but for now I will just get you another Mojito okay?"
"I hope you do...", I lean in to kiss him, then he leaves to get me the drink.

I looked around and saw everybody having a good time so I pull out my phone and call Tree to tell her what happend and to kinda ask her for permission to post the picture. I always ask her for permission. I mean she's an expert at what she's doing so if someone knows when what to post and if to post it's her.

I dial her number into my phone which takes a bit longer than usual.

"Hey Tree, how are you dooooooing?"

"Hey Taylor, I'm good. Thanks for asking but is everything okay? Why are you calling me? Are you drunk?", she sounds very tired, I guess that's because she was asleep a minute ago... I immediately feel bad for calling her.

"Sorry for bothering you that early. Yes. I have to ask you something and yesss..."

"Go ahead..."

"Sooooo, Joe asked me tonight.... If I would wanna.... Be his wife..."


"... I said yes...."

I hear whispers through the phone and then the voice of her husband.

"I knew she'd say yes... I knew it...", I hear him scream.

"I was hoping for you to say yes. I'm glad you did..."

"Me tooooooo...oooo... Wait... Did you know about this?"

"Of course I did. Andrea told me."

"Of course she did.", I reply and we both laugh.

"Congrationlations Taylor. You really deserve all the happiness in the world. I love you."

"That's so nice of you to say... Thank you so much Tree, I love you too.."

"What was your question again?", she asks me. I completely forgot.

"Oh yeah... The question... So the photographer took a really awesome picture of me and Joe. And I thought that I could.. Maybe... You know.... Post it online... To... Share.. My... Happiness...? We both agreed that it would be okay, if you think it's okay. I mean do you think it's smart to kinda let people into our relationship. What would the media say? Would what the people say? Maybe it's a bad idea... Mayb...."

"Taylor. Breath", she interrupts me," I think that you should share this special moment with the world if you two are okay with it. Fuck the media and the people. The only ones that should care are you and Joe. And believe me your fans will be as happy as you are. I guess you want to post the picture right now? "

"If that's possible", I hopefully smile, knowing she can't even see.

"Wait, I will post it for you so you don't mess it up while being drunk..."

We both chuckle at her little joke.

"You know me too well. You are truly an angle send by heaven. Thank you so much."

"No problem. What caption do you want?"

"Can you maybe use lyrics from one of my songs. Love story would be too on the nose I guess.." and we both laugh again.

"What about my LOVER?"

"Perfect. Thank you. Could you turn on the comments? This time?"

"Are you sure? There will be people that will still spread hate... You know?"

"I do but I fell like people have changed over the past 4 years and my fans they will protect me. I just know. Only for this post please."

"If you say so I will. It'll be up in less than 2 minutes. Be prepared for your phone blowing up and your name being on headlines everywhere..."

"Thank you for everything Tree and sorry one again for bothering you this early."

"It's okay. Have a great night... Morning I mean", she chuckles again and than hangs up.

Someone tall comes up behind me and hands me a drink.

"Here babe..."

I take the drink and lean towards his chest.


"Look who I found..."

I turn around and see two familiar faces.

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