Surprise Guests

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"No way you guys also came... Hey! How are you doing? How are the kids?", I ask the gorgeous blonde woman and her very handsome husband.

"Of course. How could we miss this", the woman answers.

"Congratulations you two. I'm so glad you found eachother. Now we can have fun scrabble nights with dinner and a glass of wine."

Before you continue reading. Can you guess who the tall blonde woman and her handsome husband are?

" That would be awesome Ryan. "

" The kids are doing great by the way. Inez misses you a lot Taylor", Blake says.

"I know. I miss her too. We'll see... I might have some time next week to come by and say hello if that's okay."

"Sure. You're always welcome. But now let's stop worrying about that and PARTY!!!"

Blake and Ryan walk off and get themselves a Martini.

As the evening goes on, the drunker everyone gets. Katy already left as well as Ed, Camila and Shawn.

The band hasn't been drinking the whole night but keep playing and playing and playing. I decided to send them home as they all look very exhausted.

"Thank you guys so so much for coming", I try to say as slow as possible so they can understand me clearly.

"Make suure thst tghe band gets an exytra bonus", I send least I hope I send it to her.

The last people going home are his and my family...oh and Selena. At like 4:15 am everybody is gone.

"JOE!! Where are you??"

"I'm right here babe."

"I can not clean this up. Not now", I try to explain to him.

He chuckles and says:" You don't have to honey."

"Are you drunk?", I ask him with a confused look.

"I'm a bit tipsy", he smiles at me.

"How are you not drunk?", still asking with a very confused look.

"You're British I forgot", I laugh to myself and Joe joins me.

We go inside and I feel Joe's hand on my back making sure I won't fall. As we stand infront of the stairs to the bedroom I first look up the stairs and then at Joe.

"These are some daaamn long stairs."

I try to focus and try to figure out how the hell I'm supossed to get up there, when suddenly my feet don't touch the ground anymore.

"No worries", Joe says carrying me up the stairs. When we enter the bedroom Joe throws me on the bed and he falls right next to me both uncontrollably laughing like little kids.

Suddenly I get an idea. I smirk at Joe, who is still laying next to me. He looks at me with confusion in his eyes.
I jump up from the bed and turn on the music and some LED lights.

"Let's dance!!!"

Joe immediately stands up and joins me dancing when the songs stars playing.

*lay where you're layin'
Don't make a sound
I know they're watchin'
They're watchin'*

We go back and forth screaming the lyrics at each other using imaginary microphones. The light goes on and off and switched color to the beat as it is programed to do whatever fits the song.

*You! *

We point at each other.

*Your sex is on fire*

The lights go off as the song fades.

The next songs stars playing. The lights go light blue. Joe puts his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. I put my hands on his neck and in his hair pulling his face closer, so close that our foreheads touch.

I close my eyes and cherish the moment. When I open them again...

Immediate flashbacks. Our first concert together. October 2016. New York. Kings of Leon.

We're back at the concert. Just us. He is wearing the green hoodie he wore back then and I'm in the black mini dress again. "Use somebody" plays in the background.
The last song of the evening.
We both have been a bit shy the whole night as we stood next to each other enyjojng the concert. The song is almost over... The last chorus plays

*Someone like you*

He grabs my hand pulls me closer and kisses me. After the kiss I look him in the eyes and that's when I knew that he's the one. Just one look and I knew i was gonna marry him.

He moves his hand up to me cheek as we reach that exact part and kisses me.

I'm in heaven.

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