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Hello my little Unicorns! Can I call you that? (Comment...)

Anyway... some rules


2. No mature stories ⚠️

3. It does not have to be created entirely for this contest

4. Can be used in other contests

5. Could have been used from other contests

6. You can swear

7. No mention or implying of sex, but you can do mature scenes

8. You can only enter 3 books in a genre, 3 genres in total.

9. Comment me in the end of the next chapter (I'll show you where) if you want to enter

10. I will need some judges. If no judges, than I will judge everything myself, and I'm a VERY TOUGH judger.

11. If you are a Judge, you can still enter in the contest but do everything rule 8 says.

12. Your amazing! Your cool! REMEMBER THAT!

13. Oh... and the unlucky 13. No rule here, I just wanted to land on my lucky number! Jk... the rule is that if something changes in your story, please don't pm me. I'll show you where to tell me that it's changed in the next chapter.

14. The stories that you are entering MUST be in English or Russian or Filipino (see chapter 6)

15. Story must be published ON YOUR PROFILE because if not, then I will automatically assume that you did not write the story yourself (I'm so sorry 😐 Alizah...).

16. One shot stories are also allowed

Bye bye 👋

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