Lost X and X Energy

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Gon started to viciously cough after he tried speaking.

I quickly went over to his side and reached out my hand to rest on his tan shoulder.

The tank top he was wearing was now basically torn to shreds.

"Please don't try to speak. You'll only hurt yourself more." I whispered.

He let out a soft simple sigh in response.

Although I was ecstatic to hear his voice, I knew it was for the best that he save his energy to stay alive.

I took my hand off of his shoulder and began to shakily stand up.

I still have no energy but the only way I'm going to be able to save him is if I carry him to safety. There's no way he'll be able to walk on his own.

I took a few weak steps towards him.

My left ankle shrieked in pain with every short step.

It was definitely broken.

Once close enough, I stretched my arms down to pick up the injured boy.

I had him in my arms now, and just as I was about to place him on my back I heard him mumble.

"Killua...Please just set me down."

"No way." I spoke firmly.

"But you have no energy yourself. So please...just...just put me down." His words slurring a bit as he spoke.

"I can't! I need to save you! You don't deserve to be hurt!" I shouted.

I could feel my breathing getting faster.

I began to shake more.

Reality was setting in.

There was no way I would be able to carry him with the state I was in.

I would just be running around aimlessly anyways.

We're in the middle of nowhere.


Sorry! This is a much shorter part.

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