TENT 101

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Pitching up the tent is the first thing to do once you get out into the wild. It will protect you from the elements and any unwanted animals. However, you may not always go into the woods with 100% of your form or function.

That's why it is so important that you always use The Buddy System™. In the event that not all of your senses are functioning as usual, count on your buddy to help where they can. If you've fallen into a Blue Footed Booby's boobie trap, not to worry. Your buddy will have your back. If not, then prepare to die.

When you purchase a tent, it's a good idea to buy the best tent you can find. The best materials, the best protection from the elements and bears, and any other bells and whistles you'd want in your tent. Always check that the tent you've bought is large enough for you and your buddy to fit comfortably.

When setting up your tent, it's crucial to be quick. If you take too long, the animals in the area will have already smelled your pumping heart, your hot, fresh, tasty blood, and they are coming for you. You have, at most, fifteen minutes to set up your tent before you get devoured. 

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