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There are many dangerous creatures in the woods, such as snakes, toads, and frogs. However, there are a lot of ways you can protect yourself from these and other creatures.

The number one thing you need to watch out for are bats. Avoiding bats is easy. Just don't go out during or after dusk. Cover all parts that have excessive blood flow, like the neck, inner groin, and penis. This can be done easily with the help of Camp Unus Annus™ merchandise. Go to for more details.

Another giant threat to you is the American Squirrel. While there's not much information out about how to steer clear of these day bats, the best thing you can do is stay off and away from trees.

More people die from deer attacks than shark attacks, so it's imperative that you know how to stay away from these murderous creatures. It's too bad my camp leaders never taught me about them,

Snakes of all different kinds can be deadly to us humans. When you hear a Rattle Snake rattle its tail, the safest thing to do is run away. But, if there is a snake that doesn't rattle and is completely camouflaged, you have to keep your eyes peeled. When the snake is seen, run away.

The bear is one of the deadliest animals you could encounter. One of the only things you can do is to shout at it and wave your arms. More information in Bear Safety.

Always remember LSORR when you are out in the wilderness.


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