Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sitting at the Mystic Grill, I am in a booth reading a book, waiting on Matt to get off work to take me home. I hate when he closes. That means we are here until Midnight and I don't like being home alone if I don't have to. I have read this book a dozen times or more and almost know it by heart. I am not really paying attention to the book, I am more, people watching. While sitting here, my best friend Caroline sits down across from me. "How many times are you going to read that book, Charlie?" she asked me. "I don't know." I say, exasperated as I close the book and lay it on the table. School has started back and I have finished my homework over an hour ago and just sitting. "You know I can take you home and stay if you don't want to stay here?" Caroline offers. "That's okay, Care. Thanks." We look over and see Stefan walk in and head to the bar. "Who's that with Stefan?" I asked. "That's his brother, Damon. He's an ass." she says and I look at her confused. "He is just cocky and rude is all." she tells me and I just shrug. We go on talking about the upcoming dance that she is trying to talk me into going to. "Care, you know I can't. Last dance I tried to go to, I had a panic attack before getting in the door." I tell her. "I know but you have to face it sometime." she tries to reason. "I will think about it." I tell her and she drops the subject. A little later she heads home and I move to the bar.

"Hey Matty. I am going to head home. I'm kinda tired." I tell him. "Do you want to take the truck and just pick me up later?" he asked. "No, I think I am going to head to bed when I get home." I tell him. He just nods and says "Be careful and text me when you get there." I nod and head out the door.

"Who's that?" Damon asked Stefan. "That's Charlie Donovan. Matt's twin sister. Why?" he asked. "I think I might make sure she makes it home okay." Damon says. Matt hears this and says, "Damon, leave her alone. She's been through enough and doesn't need you adding onto it. She's not some conquest." Damon looks at Matt confused so he explains. "About six months ago, she was raped by her boyfriend and a couple of his friends. She can't even stand to be in the same room with a guy unless I am there and she doesn't normally like being home alone." Damon looks at him and says "I'll make sure she gets there okay. Don't worry. I won't try anything." he tells Matt and Matt doesn't believe him.

I am walking down the street when I hear my name being called. "Charlie! Wait up." I stop to see who is calling me and it is Stefan's brother. "Hey, I'm Damon. A friend of Matt's. I told him I would walk you home." he tells me and I stiffen. "Don't worry. I won't try anything." he tells me and I relax a little. He takes my backpack from me and starts carrying it. "So, Matt tells me you are twins." Damon starts. "Yeah, he's older by like three minutes." I tell him, still not looking at him. "You know, being Matt's sister, none of us will let anything happen to you, right?" He asked. "Matt told you?" I asked, looking at him shocked. "Yeah. Let's get you home. If you want, I will stay until he gets there." he offers. I stop walking and he sees my panic. "I will sit on the porch. I promise." he tells me. I start walking again and say, "Thank you, Damon."

We make it to my house, he hands me my backpack and makes sure that I lock the door once I am inside. I look out the window and he sits on the steps after waving goodnight. I walk inside and head to bed. Next thing I know, Matt is coming in and checking on me. "Damon said to tell you goodnight." he says. "Did you let him in the house?" he asked. "No, he said he would stay and when I started to panic a little he told me he would stay on the porch. He didn't try to come inside and didn't try to touch me. He was actually kind of nice." I tell him and he nods. "Good night Charlie." Matt says. "Good night Matty."

I wake up the next morning for school, after tossing and turning all night and I am more tired than before I went to bed. I have not slept more than a couple of hours a night since my rape. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I get ready for school and head down the stairs and Damon is sitting in the kitchen with Matt. "I brought you guys some coffees. Wanted to check in on you." he tells me as I take the coffee he offers. "Thanks. I'm okay." I say. "Did you sleep?" Matt asked. "A little, I guess." I say and neither of them respond. "Well, we better head to school." I say and Matt heads to the truck and Damon kisses my cheek and says "I'll come by and stay with you today while Matt is working if that's okay." I nod my head and say "I'd like that." 

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