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author pov:

"no i'm totally a top and you are the bottom! there is no other way around it!!" Jimin protests making Jungkook laugh so more "ohh baby boy we talked about this the other day what made you change your mine i'm not going to bottom i like to dominate not be dominated" jungkook said through laughs

"wrong bitch!" jimin yelled jumping out of the car that has been parked for 5 minutes making jungkook stop laughing and grab his things running after him

Once jungkook caught up to jimin he grabbed him by the bag pulling him to his chest whispering huskily "where do you think your going?" wrapping his arm around jimins small waist "k-kook people will s-see" jimin stuttered with his face beat red

"i don't care let them see" he said as he pecked on the side of jimins face, jawline, and neck. "well i do and your making me mad!" jimin tried to push jungkook away while giggling "kookie i cant even be mad i love when you show me off and-" he rose his hand to jungkooks face "we are promised to each other!!" jungkook smiled as jimin turned around and kissed him

"BRAFFFFFFF" someone yelled followed by a "my eyesss joonieee kiss it better" Jin whined throwing himself on Namjoon making the talkers face go red holding jin up by the waist

jimin and jungkook separate smiling happily in each other's arms at school in public not careing if someone saw them they were happy and that's all that mattered to them

they walked through the school hearing whispers and gasps as they passed witch didn't caused suspicion between the two them guessing someone saw them kissing or something

jungkook walked jimin to his locker but bumped into jimin back when he suddenly stopped "baby what's wrong?" but jungkook didn't get a answer but instead a mad jimin pushing a man up to the lockers and slamming his fist into the mans face causing the man to punch jimin in the stomach and then the face bustling his lip. jimin punched the strange man again until jungkook snapped out of it and pulled his boyfriend off the man

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!!" jimin yelled "to bring you home jimin i'm tired of it your coming with me" by then Jin had showed up along with Namjoon and Taehyung "your not taking him he is with me and we agreed on this plus he is 18 today" Jin said calmly standing in front of Jimin who was still held in jungkook arms being checked on by Namjoon



Hoseok showed up out of no where slapping the man across the face then waking to jimin and hugging him whispering something in his ear to witch jimin nods

Jimin looks back at his father then looks down and walks away with hobi close by Jungkook goes to move but gets held back by tae "leave him he needs to cool down" Tae says "no he is my boyfriend move" Jungkook pushes Taehyung only to get slammed onto the lockers "he is my fucking bestfriend i said stay so listen to me you can come over later give him a minute" Tae says in a deep voice letting go of Jungkook and walking over to the man Jin was arguing with

"if you don't leave i will call the cops and have them arrest you again and i don't think you want to go back now do you" Tae ask to witch the older man scoffs and walks away not before telling Jin a "this is not over"

Jin comes up to Jungkook and hugs him witch surprises him but soon returns the hug "i'm so happy he is with you if you didn't hold him back who knows what would have happened" jin mutters into jungkook shoulder "he went home and we are too you can come if you want but he might need to cool down" jungkook nods "i think i will get him some snacks before i will meet you over there" jin nods before speaking again "look listen when jimin deals with these things he try's to push people away so don't let him and make sure he will eat okay?"

————-at the house

Jungkook walks in to see a sleeping Tae leaning on a sleeping Will and Jin and Joon curled up to each other

he walks to jimin room to see hobi and yoongi on the floor "good your here maybe he will open the door to you" hobi says standing up and patting jungkook on the shoulder before walking away "he locked himself into his room and won't answer anyone it's stressing them out so try to talk to him" yoongi says before giving the 2 boyfriends space

"Jiminie baby can you open the door?" he heard a shuffle before the door was opened up and a puff eyes jimin looked at jungkook then went back and curled up in bed his heart broke then and there

"c-can you h-hold me" jimin whispered "of course baby" jungkook said closing the door and walking to the bed pulling jimin into his arms "i brought snacks" he whispered into jimins ears "Jungkook" the smaller whispered "yes?" there was a long pause before jimin turned around looking jungkook in the eyes "i-i love you.." jimin whispered shutting his eyes tightly "huh" jungkook said not sure if he heard that right "you heard me" jimin whined "OMG I LOVE YOU JIMIN SO MUCH" jungkook yelled showering the smaller in kisses making Jimin smile "you make me feel safe and happy and i just i knew you would come over and be here for me and i love you a lot i know when i'm with you i'm safe and that all that matters i don't care if people know or not" jimin pecked jungkooks lips

"jimin you have no idea how long i have liked you like really and i'm so happy you trust me and love me no matter what i'm here to protect you and to kick anybody in the neck for you i promise and i'm not leaving you for anything. i love you so much Park Jimin" jungkook said kissing his boyfriend forehead "i remember freshman year when i first say you i couldn't get my eyes of you and now look where we are you you are mine and we love each other i'm sorry i bullied you and hurt you and i promise nobody will ever do shit like that again with me here" he layed another kiss of his head whipping the tear that fell from jimin eyes "kookie i love you" jimin said though tears

jungkook pulled jimin towards him wrapping his arms around jimins waist hugging him close "can we talk about what happened later only if you want" jungkook asked jimin to witch the older nodded and closed his eye "and eat the snacks too" jimin mumble making them both giggle

then both unaware of the 6 boys at the door watching them with smiles on their faces some with tears in there eyes

//so i included Will and let's just say Will and Tae are talking i will get i to more with the side ships next few chaps but yeahhh

jimins dad is a whore and we do not stan!!🗿
(not his real dad)

i cried when they said i love u cuz i'm a weak bitch 

anywho have a good day alsoooo i slowed danced with my crush today so that happened i'm was happy:))

i love youuuuuu🤍

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