Season 6, Episode 4

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We begin life with few obligations. We pledge alliance to the flag. We swear to return our library books. But as we get older, we take vows, we make promises, we get burdened by commitments. To do no harm, to tell the truth and nothing but, to love and cherish till death do us part. So we just keep running up a tab until we owe everything to everybody and suddenly think, what the. •


The thing about being a surgeon, everybody wants a piece of you. We take one little oath, and suddenly we're drowning in obligations. To our patients, to our colleagues to medicine itself. So we do what any sane person would do. We run like hell from our promises, hoping they'll be forgotten. But sooner or later, they always catch up. And sometimes you find the obligations you dread the most isn't worth running from at all. 

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