Chapter 8: The End

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At Barkingburg, the stars are very beautiful. 2 pups are sitting looking at the stars.

Rubble: Sweetie, I don't know what that feeling is, but I feel more secure with you. And I consider you more as a friend.

Sweetie: Really?

Rubble: Yeah.

Sweetie smiling at Rubble: Rubble, I think you love me.

Rubble: I'm sorry ...

Sweetie: No, you don't have to! It's a feeling.

Rubble: Oh I'm sorry...

Sweetie: Rubble....I said no...

Rubble: Then what should I do?

Sweetie: Did you even ask your crush if she likes you back?

Rubble: What's a crush?

Sweetie: The pup you love.

Rubble: like me?

Sweetie: No...but I love you.

Rubble: I love you too!

Rubble and Sweetie's lips are getting closer. They are ready to make their first kiss.
The lips will touch when ..... a light illuminates them from the sky.
They raise their heads and see a helicopter.

Rubble: Skye?

Chase: Ryder !! We found him !! Sweetie kidnapped him !!
Ruff Net!

Chase grabs Sweetie with his net.

Rubble: Chase !?

Chase: Yeah, it's me! It's time to go home !!

Rubble: But wait !! Sweetie is nice!

Chase: Yeah, of course !


Chase: My Majesty ! I'll bring you back Sweetie, she kidnapped Rubble!

Sweetie: Chase! Hold on ! I changed !!

Later at Adventure Bay

Chase: Why did you run away, Rubble !?

Rubble: Nobody likes me! And I love Sweetie !!!

Chase: What !? But Sweetie is not nice!

Rubble: She has changed !!!

Chase later returns at Adventure Bay with Sweetie.

Sweetie: RUBBY!!!

Rubble: SWEETIE !!!

Rubble and Sweetie kiss on the lips

Sweetie: I love you Rubble !!

Rubble: I love you too Sweetie !!

Rocky: Aww, they make a great couple!

Zuma: I agree !

Rubble: Chase, I'm sorry, I ran away.

Chase: I forgive you but don't do it again!

Rubble: And Mayor Humdinger?

Chase: Oh, we found him and put him in jail.


Marshall: Rubble! Are you coming? We're all going to play football !

Rubble: No! I'm busy ! With my new girlfriend!

Later everyone is watching the sunset.

Chase: Skye, I'm sorry again! I yelled at you.

Skye: It's ok, Chase.

Ryder: Sweetie, do you want to become a member of the Paw Patrol ?

Sweetie: Um ... No, I want to spend time with this handsome bulldog.

Rubble: And please, no one runs away now! We all love each other! If you're lonely, it's because I'm busy with Sweetie.

Everyone: Hahahaha !!!


Runaway RubbleWhere stories live. Discover now