Chapter Two.

737 22 5

By Shousei; also published on AO3.

!Manga spoilers
!Trigger warnings include but are not limited to angst, violence, abuse by family members, grief/loss, suicide, PTSD, depression and anxiety
!Potential for NSFW content

Story notes appear after each chapter.

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Chapter Two.

It was not quite sleep that came and went as we traveled through the night, but something like a peace that accompanied a partial awareness of my surroundings. I heard the light squeaking of the horse's leather harness and the rattle of the cart as it rolled along the path. I felt warmth from the animal below as I rested, arranged demurely sidesaddle as I leaned against the man's chest.

Each time my consciousness stirred, I reconfirmed the secure sensation of his arm around my back, his other hand occupied with the horse's reins. I sighed, tightening my fist around the locks of his hair over his chest, my other arm curled in against myself. The firm press of his cheek against my head remained steady except when he dipped his chin, presumably to peer at me. In my state, I was content with no more sound than that of his soft breathing and his heart, and he was mercifully perceptive of that.

At the site of my erstwhile grave, I had calmed to the point where I could loosen my grip on him slightly when he patted my head and sighed, smiling. "Let's get you someplace more pleasant, dear...shall we?" He reached for his hat and made to stand, carefully pulling me up with him. My body had clearly exhausted its stores of energy by now, however, and I teetered precariously before pitching back towards the ground, one hand frantically reaching back to grab at him.

"Oooops, hold on there..." He gathered me up about my back and knees, and I latched my arms around his shoulders in panic at the sudden motion.

"You're as shaky as a newborn foal," he chuckled. "I'm not sure you'd stay steady sitting with me on the cart, but I can drive the horse from his back just as easily."

He started towards the cart. I held on stiffly as he leaned slightly in front of the lantern. "Just grab that, will you, love?"

I dangled my fingers down to grasp the lantern by its hook; it swung wildly as I attempted to lift it higher. Light and shadow careened over the ground; out of the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a gentleman's leg sprawled out prone in the grass.

I drew in my breath sharply; immediately after I felt my caretaker whirl away from the sight. His voice, dangerously quiet but still soothing, commanded me from above.

"Close your eyes."

I looked up at his face, full of questions. I thought I glimpsed the same flash of brilliant green I had seen earlier.

"Quickly now! Do not open them until I say."

This was in stark contrast to his gentle handling of me thus far; alarmed, I jammed my eyes closed and pressed my forehead to his chest. My heart pounded, suddenly conscious of whatever threat he had warned me against. My body swayed gently as he walked, my free arm still holding the lantern.

After a moment, the sound of the horse's snufflings had become quite close. "All right, you may open your eyes. Hook that onto the carriage just there if you would, my dear."

I lifted my head, peering at the cart I had seen from a distance earlier. I gingerly set the lantern swinging on its hook before the man carried me to the horse. He led the animal to a boulder along the road and stepped up upon it. "Up we go... hold on tight." He carefully swung a leg over the horse's back and settled us into place upon it, holding the reins in his teeth. Another time I would have laughed, with or without sound, but fatigue limited my reaction to mere consideration of how supremely ridiculous this was.

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