Chapter Nine

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Maria has made her best efforts to make me comfortable by giving me a toothbrush, toothpaste and an old metal hairbrush that looks like a rubber hedgehog with metal spikes all over one side. 

My room is big and white with a view over the pool and the ocean beyond. White walls, white linen, white curtains. I've curled up in my cream duvet and try to close my eyes. If I wake up in the night I'll think I've died and been reborn as a cream roll in a giant refrigerator.  

I can't sleep. I get up, open the curtains to let in the deep velvet sky and the twinkling stars then slip back between the warm covers and lie listening to the distant sound of the sea running over the white sands of the beach at the bottom of the gardens.  

It's quiet for a while then I hear sniggering and laughing outside. A door bangs and the noise echoes up the stairs and then steals into a room further down the corridor. 

I snuggle up and lie awake listening. They are playing three little pigs. I can hear the girls oinking and Michaels snorting followed by loads of running feet and stupid squealing noises, up and down the corridor outside my door. I toy with going out there and kicking some ass but think better of it. Rolling over I pull the pillow over my head and try to ignore it.  

Its odd, isn't it, how over years Michael has changed so much. I guess it's being in the public eye so much. That skinny, pale, non-swimmer from back then has filled out into a solidly framed, tanned guy, who spends his time pool side and looks like a professional athlete when he hits the water. I think about the others in the Band. Ashton is now a successful actor and Calum a music producer. Luke ducked out of the business in attempt to re-set his compass and find reality. He brought an organic farm and has his own wine label. I see his face on the labels of his wine bottles in the wine section of my local supermarket. 

None of them are married still, Calum did get married but it didn't last long. Ashton has dated a string of Hollywood actresses and I think I saw something about Luke being with a local girl but it didn't work out. I guess it's hard to find true love if you're so well known. Ah well, not my problem, nor will it ever be. At least that's a comforting thought. 

I turn over and look at the stars that have appeared in the night sky, slowly dose off and drift into a fitful dream full of the 5SOS boys dressed as little pink pigs singing, 'She looks so perfect,' in high pitched tones whilst rowing a boat with a bushy eyed owl at the helm that looks remarkably like Max. 

The door bangs open so loudly I almost fall out of bed. It's Marias wolf come from the playing with piglets to make his predicted appearance. I flick the light on in an attempt to scare him away and sit up, pulling the covers up round my shoulders. 

'Bugger, turn that off!' Michael, blinking in the sudden light, is standing, leaning casually against the door with a bottle of champagne in his hand. He clearly doesn't wear pyjamas. How come I'm not surprised? 

'Not till you leave Michael.' 

'Fancy a little drinky winky?' 

'No Michael. Go away.' 

'Come on, how about we go for a swim in the pool. We can both strip off and swim naked in the moonlight and watch the glistening water caressing each other's bodies like err..... caressing water.. you know the body thing.' 

'Michael you can't strip off.'  

'Why not.' 

'Because you're not wearing anything.' 

He looks down. 'Oh yeah.' He looks confused like I have confounded his pool plan. 'A drink then?' He waves the empty bottle around and takes a step into the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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